MenoData / Time4J

Advanced date, time and interval library for Java with sun/moon-astronomy and calendars like Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopian, French Republican, Hebrew, Hijri, Historic Christian, Indian National, Japanese, Julian, Korean, Minguo, Persian, Thai, Vietnamese
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Crash in OldApiTimezone when Saturday is hit #939

Closed MenoData closed 3 years ago

MenoData commented 3 years ago

Row 88: } else if (dayOfWeek < 1 || dayOfWeek >= 7) { validates in the wrong range. Reported by a thoughtful user. Following test should succeed but actually fails:

    public void oldApiTimezone() {
        Timezone tz = Timezone.of("Europe/Rome");
                GregorianCalendar.AD, 2020, Calendar.JULY, 4, Calendar.SATURDAY, 0),
            is(2 * 3600 * 1000));