MenthorTools / menthor-editor

Menthor Editor
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Associations between associations cause severe crashes #75

Open BernardoFBBraga opened 8 years ago

BernardoFBBraga commented 8 years ago

Steps to reproduce: 1-Create two classes, create an association between them -Select some association from the pallette e.g. componentOf -Double click the existing association (this would mean creating a componentOf relation starting on the association and ending in the association) -Notice the crash on the console

2-Create two classes -Create an association between them. -Create an association between the existing association and some class (works) -Try the inverse, start from the class and end in the association (doesn't work)

3-Create classes A,B,C -Create association R1 between A->B -Create association R2 between A->C -Create association between R1 and R2 -Move A

This is the most severe, crashes the app and even messes up with the "close application" dialog

freddybrasileiro commented 8 years ago

@BernardoFBBraga fiz as alterações... vê se tá tudo funcionando

johnguerson commented 8 years ago

@BernardoFBBraga @freddybrasileiro Linhas no estilo Rectilinear, que relacionam ao menos uma outra linha, tem erro. Isso era já um problema antigo, a derivation até então era criada sempre como Direct style justamente por isso. Agora, por default toda relação é criado como rectilinear style. Isso é problema. Estou tentando consertar mas sem sucesso por enquanto.