1: The Npm Readme Contains a link to documentation and a guide that would link to some Really shady websites like shady enough for chrome to block the website completely.
While clicking on the links in Github Readme Doesn't do so Which raises some questions for me
1: The Npm Readme Contains a link to documentation and a guide that would link to some Really shady websites like shady enough for chrome to block the website completely.
While clicking on the links in Github Readme Doesn't do so Which raises some questions for me
Links => http://solaris.codes/projects/erelajs/docs/gettingstarted.html
2: https://i.imgur.com/wWlwXgm.png As you see there's a bugged out image in readme which links to https://camo.githubusercontent.com/ba3ee39a0f38136b4ba395b0b0ee6a616e24a1853049ca6504f23600bae5f7f1/68747470733a2f2f736f6c617269732e636f6465732f70726f6a656374732f6572656c616a732f696d616765732f7472616e73706172656e745f6c6f676f2e706e67
So yeah Hope you guys fix it