Meowcolm024 / FGO-Automata

一个FGO脚本和API フェイトグランドオーダー自動化
MIT License
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选择地图后选人报错 #32

Closed hbw0018 closed 3 years ago

hbw0018 commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in fgo.quick_start(advance=True) File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 433, in quick_start self.select_checkpoint() File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 221, in select_checkpoint if util.standby(self.aquire_screenshot(), crds.IMAGE["no_ap"]): File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 58, in standby res = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.4.0) C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-req-build-k8sx3e60\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\templmatch.cpp:588: error: (-215:Assertion failed) corr.rows <= img.rows + templ.rows - 1 && corr.cols <= img.cols + templ.cols - 1 in function 'cv::crossCorr' 您好,下了新的仓库,选择地图后进入选助战界面报错了

hbw0018 commented 3 years ago


Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago


Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago


hbw0018 commented 3 years ago


Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago


助战图片放在哪里了? (更新的时候我把资源目录结构修改了一下)

hbw0018 commented 3 years ago

跟以前一样 我直接复制的我的图

Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago

跟以前一样 我直接复制的我的图


hbw0018 commented 3 years ago


Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago





IMAGE_BASE = "assets/jp/"
hbw0018 commented 3 years ago

error: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer adb: error: failed to get feature set: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in fgo.quick_start(advance=True) File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 433, in quick_start self.select_checkpoint() File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 212, in select_checkpoint self.wait(self.checkpoint) File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 481, in wait while not util.standby(self.aquire_screenshot(), pic): File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 58, in standby res = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.4.0) C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-req-build-k8sx3e60\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\templmatch.cpp:588: error: (-215:Assertion failed) corr.rows <= img.rows + templ.rows - 1 && corr.cols <= img.cols + templ.cols - 1 in function 'cv::crossCorr'

第1次运行完成 请按任意键继续. . .

修改完路径 连地图都不进了 直接报错了

Meowcolm024 commented 3 years ago

error: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer adb: error: failed to get feature set: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in fgo.quick_start(advance=True) File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 433, in quick_start self.select_checkpoint() File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 212, in select_checkpoint self.wait(self.checkpoint) File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 481, in wait while not util.standby(self.aquire_screenshot(), pic): File "C:\youxi\FGO-Automata-dev\core\", line 58, in standby res = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.4.0) C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-req-build-k8sx3e60\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\templmatch.cpp:588: error: (-215:Assertion failed) corr.rows <= img.rows + templ.rows - 1 && corr.cols <= img.cols + templ.cols - 1 in function 'cv::crossCorr'

第1次运行完成 请按任意键继续. . .

修改完路径 连地图都不进了 直接报错了

图片路径要和图片位置匹配啊! 用于识别的模板图片和关卡/助战的路径是分开的。



IMAGE_BASE = "assets/jp/"


fgo = Automata("assets/checkpoint.png", "assets/support.png")


fgo = Automata("assets/jp/checkpoint.png", "assets/jp/support.png")
hbw0018 commented 3 years ago

Autumata.txt 这是我现在使用的0.63的文件 其余都没有进行修改,可以进行到 ,关闭/继续战斗的界面。 gubhit一直下载不下来,没法上传本地仓库