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User Terminal - Layout Details #26

Closed merzido closed 5 years ago

merzido commented 5 years ago
merzido commented 5 years ago

User Terminal - user Login

merzido commented 5 years ago

ETA 2 Days

kailash05 commented 5 years ago sellhub when we click on logo it redirect to to the login page . so i fix that issue .using '#' insted of base url (/var/www/html/dev/sellerhub/application/views/seller/include/header=39)

2.remove hard coded path for favicon =28

3.i remove all hard coded path from include folder.(header.php and footer.php)


1.mange.php -> no hard codedpath in this code 2.view.php-> no hard codepth in this code 3.upload_image.php->no hard codepth in this code 4.update_uploaded_img.php- 5.sku_image.php-> 6.search_result.php-> 7.product_info.php_Before_brnd_change-> 8.product_info.php-> 9.more_info.php-> 10.manageImage.php-> 11.import.php-> 12.images.php-> 13.create.php->


1.viewPromotion.php-> 2.template.php-> 3.restricted.php-> 4.reg_success.php-> 5.promotions.php-> 6.profile.php-> 7.myPromotions.php-> 8.login->remove hard coded path


checked all the files in this folder ..(no hard coded path is their)


checked all the files in this folder ..(no hard coded path is their)


checked all the files in this folder ..(no hard coded path is their)


checked all the files in this folder ..(no hard coded path is their)

also work on CodeIgniter PHP framework and study about the how to call the project index page .