Mercerenies / a-turtles-troll

Random Minecraft shenanigans
GNU General Public License v3.0
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God Demand Effects #148

Closed EvanSkiStudios closed 6 months ago

EvanSkiStudios commented 6 months ago

I have some things we (meaning mostly you) can do to make the demands look / effect better

for the start, for the demands when they happen when they are complete when they see feet, ect

We can use TITLES

int fadeIn = 10; //In ticks
int stay = 70;
int fadeOut = 20;
player.sendTitle(ChatColor.RED + "The Gods are angry!", "No one shall sleep tonight!", fadeIn, stay, fadeOut);
player.sendTitle(ChatColor.GREEN + "The Gods are appeased!", "Everyone is free to sleep!", fadeIn, stay, fadeOut);
player.sendTitle(ChatColor.YELLOW + "The Gods have a demand!", ChatColor.RED + "Today, the gods would like to see someone die ${description}", fadeIn, stay, fadeOut);

Here is an example of how to use titles

If you have ever played a mini game on some minecraft server, a title is a literal in your face message, with big text (title) and smaller text (subtitle)

then of course fade effects

-Im getting sounds ready for these as well and will let you know the code for them like for trivia

EvanSkiStudios commented 6 months ago



"custom.event.gods.angry": { 
  "category": "player", "sounds": [ "custom/event/Gods/angry" ]
"custom.event.gods.demand": { 
  "category": "player", "sounds": [ "custom/event/Gods/demand" ]
"custom.event.gods.pleased": { 
  "category": "player", "sounds": [ "custom/event/Gods/pleased" ]

filepath: sounds/custom/event/gods/ angry, demand, please

Mercerenies commented 6 months ago

Implemented as requested (both titles and sounds). Bowser currently only has one title (for introducing his effect) and no sounds, but the gods are done.