Mercerenies / a-turtles-troll

Random Minecraft shenanigans
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

The backrooms #151

Open EvanSkiStudios opened 6 months ago

EvanSkiStudios commented 6 months ago

like the superflat

but rather then going to the superflat, you get teleported to the back rooms

all the troll effects are off, you must solve the maze to escape

Mercerenies commented 6 months ago

I like this. I wonder if we should punish a particular type of death with this. Like, "If you die to X mob, then you go to the back rooms". It would make one particular type of damage significantly more punishing, since you literally get a fate worse than death as a result.

EvanSkiStudios commented 6 months ago

Any death that is teh cause of another player

so like

player died trying to escape from player2

player was slain by player2

anything like that