Mercerenies / alakazam

Functional programming sugar for Python
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Pypi classifiers are out of date #7

Open steve-mavens opened 1 year ago

steve-mavens commented 1 year ago

Sorry, this is a minor point since it doesn't actually stop anyone installing alakazam, but next time you're doing a release: the classifiers in list a whole bunch of versions of Python up to 3.6 (which is now out of support), and nothing later.

If you're interested, I could submit a PR to add some automated testing via Github Actions, to run the existing tests on all available versions of Python. I understand if you prefer not to do that, since it does commit you to a maintenance treadmill. For example, you have to make changes to remove versions of Python (or at least to change the installation method) when Github no longer supports them. Also, from time to time you might have to update your workflow for other reasons that have nothing to do with you, just the third-party actions your workflow depends on. For example:

Still, Github doesn't charge for it, and it's a relatively simple way to have some confidence that code really does work on all the versions of Python it wants to claim it works on :-)

[Edit: oh, I see you don't need the caveats since you have other repos that do use Github Actions, so you know this stuff already. Anyway, if you want a PR I can do one, although I'll use my non-work Github account]