Mercerenies / fifi-calculator

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Bug: Drag-and-drop drops inputs #63

Closed Mercerenies closed 1 week ago

Mercerenies commented 1 week ago

I am losing my mind on this one.

When you perform a drag-and-drop action with sortablejs, we seem to enter into a bad state. In this state, every second key input is dropped. To get out of this state, we need to show the textbox (either with the "algebraic input" or "numerical input" modes).

How are these two systems related? Nothing makes any sense right now. / (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Mercerenies commented 1 week ago

Other strange thing: Going to another button panel seems to fix the problem, and sometimes does so permanently.

Mercerenies commented 1 week ago

See the full commit message in for details on the "fix".