Mercerenies / gdlisp

Lisp on the Godot platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
139 stars 1 forks source link

Installation Instructions #147

Closed brandflake11 closed 1 year ago

brandflake11 commented 1 year ago

Hello all, This project alone has made me want to get into Godot. I've been going through tutorials for godot, but am not sure how to install this. I downloaded the release, what is the next thing I should do to get a REPL and allow me to start using lisp with godot?

Mercerenies commented 1 year ago


The current version of GDLisp is compatible with Godot 3. If you've only just downloaded Godot recently, you've probably got the newly-released Godot 4, which made some substantial changes that I'm still working on upgrading to support, so you'll need to work with Godot 3.5 instead. You'll also need to make sure the Godot executable is available on your system path, so that GDLisp can find it.

Once you have Godot installed, you'll need the Rust programming language and the Ruby Rake build suite (I'm looking to eliminate the dependency on Rake in the future, but for now it's still necessary for a post-build step). Once you've got all the dependencies, rake build should build the entire suite and drop an executable at ./bin/gdlisp. This executable compiles GDLisp to GDScript if given arguments, and it will drop you in a REPL if called without arguments.

There are some detailed build instructions on our documentation page. Give it a go and see if everything works! If not, you know where to find me :)

Good luck! I hope you enjoy your journey into the Godot world.

brandflake11 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much and I totally didn't see that documentation page. Thanks! I'll open this back up if I get stuck and leave another comment!