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Update GitHub Actions workflows #221

Closed nanxstats closed 2 months ago

nanxstats commented 2 months ago

This PR updates all GitHub Actions workflows to the latest upstream version.

This also reverts the patch (, that ignored checking with emmeans in R < 4.3.0 because its dependency estimability 1.5.1 is now on CRAN, which only requires R >= 4.1.0 (consistent with emmeans).

nanxstats commented 2 months ago

The codecov upload in the updated test-coverage workflow now fails explicitly without a codecov token.

So I followed the guide in to add a codecov token as a repository secret to make it work.

Update: looks like this is not working:

Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1

We will need an org token, a personal token won't do. I've removed the repository secret.