MercuriusXeno / Goo

A Minecraft mod about Goo, and making stuff with it.
MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link

Nothing can be gooified #103

Open Limelightbruh opened 3 years ago

Limelightbruh commented 3 years ago

I have a few mods on with goo, and for some reason I can't turn ANYTHING into goo. Not even vanilla items can be gooified. Everything says "Can't be gooified!" and the Gooifier won't take anything. Any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this?

Limelightbruh commented 3 years ago

Update 1: I made a new world with only Goo and it's dependancies, got the book, and everything says it has goo now, still don't understand the issue, going to try reinstalling.

Limelightbruh commented 3 years ago

Update 2: took all the mods out, put all the mods back in, it is probably a conflict with modded items.

Entoarox commented 3 years ago

@Limelightbruh Please provide a log, that is highly important in solving your issue.

But the most likely answer is that some mod is doing weird things with the recipe system, which is breaking Aeq (The equivalency engine Goo depends on).

If that is the case, I can call in the guy who manages Aeq and he might be able to solve the issue.

marchermans commented 3 years ago

Hello I heard my name.

I am guessing that you are having issues with cooking with Block Heads...?

Dejawhy commented 3 years ago

i am having this same issue. the only problem is that you cant gooify things. fortunately you can in the nether. when i go into the nether and try it it works fine. which is odd. but once i goo something i can bring it back through the nether in basins which is time consuming but it works. or i can just do it all in the nether.

Entoarox commented 3 years ago

@Dejawhy Please provide a log, also, the fact that one dimension is working for you and not the other precludes it being the exact same issue, as that issue involves being unable to gooify in any dimension.