test@Tests-iMac ~ % cd RecoMod
test@Tests-iMac RecoMod % chmod +x recomod.sh
test@Tests-iMac RecoMod % ./recomod.sh -i /users/test/downloads/octopus.bin
flags:ERROR short flag required for (disable-verity) on this platform
"trap 'echo -e "\"${last_command}\": "$BASH_COMMAND" command failed with exit code $?. THIS IS A BUG, REPORT IT HERE https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod"' EXIT": return ${flags_return} command failed with exit code 2. THIS IS A BUG, REPORT IT HERE https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod
test@Tests-iMac ~ % cd RecoMod test@Tests-iMac RecoMod % chmod +x recomod.sh test@Tests-iMac RecoMod % ./recomod.sh -i /users/test/downloads/octopus.bin flags:ERROR short flag required for (disable-verity) on this platform "trap 'echo -e "\"${last_command}\": "$BASH_COMMAND" command failed with exit code $?. THIS IS A BUG, REPORT IT HERE https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod"' EXIT": return ${flags_return} command failed with exit code 2. THIS IS A BUG, REPORT IT HERE https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod