MercuryWorkshop / anuraOS

A web "OS" and development environment with full linux emulation
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make rootfs command doesn't work in branch v2 #189

Open FunnyLoaf opened 1 month ago

FunnyLoaf commented 1 month ago

This is the output I get: Enter your choice: 1

if [ -w /var/run/docker.sock ] then echo true else echo "You aren't in the docker group, please run usermod -a -G docker $USER && newgrp docker" exit 2 fi true

IMAGES="$(dirname "$0")"/../../build/x86images OUT_ROOTFS_TAR="$IMAGES"/alpine-rootfs.tar OUT_ROOTFS_BIN="$IMAGES"/alpine-rootfs.bin OUT_ROOTFS_MNT="$IMAGES"/alpine-rootfs.mntpoint CONTAINER_NAME=alpine-full IMAGE_NAME=i386/alpine-full

rm -rf "$IMAGES/alpine-boot" || : rm -rf "$IMAGES/alpine-rootfs" || : rm -rf $OUT_ROOTFS_BIN || : cp ../anurad.c . cp ../ . cp ../ . cp -r ../anuramouse . cd ../whisper; RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo +nightly b -r --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu --no-default-features -F rustls; cp target/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/release/whisper ../alpine/; error: no such command: +nightly

    Cargo does not handle `+toolchain` directives.
    Did you mean to invoke `cargo` through `rustup` instead?

Choose a rootfs image to build:

  1. Alpine
  2. Exit Enter your choice:
wearrrrr commented 1 month ago

Are you handling your rust install via rustup? If so please use cargo instead, that should fix it from what I've seen.

wearrrrr commented 1 month ago

Oops, I meant the other way around. +nightly is a rustup thing, not a cargo thing.

FunnyLoaf commented 1 month ago

ok i'll see if it helps