Mercurygram / Mercurygram

Unofficial, FOSS-friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android
GNU General Public License v2.0
171 stars 7 forks source link

Rebase to Forkgram? #28

Open zendynar opened 2 months ago

zendynar commented 2 months ago

First of all, thanks for your amazing implementation of UnifiedPush, this is a much needed feature that helps to reduce battery drain by quite a bit.

Now to the point. While Telegram-FOSS has been great, the only big issue with it is that it gets slow on updates, it can take up to a few weeks to get synchronized with the official release. That makes me concerned about bug and vulnerability fixes that we are not getting as soon as they are avilable, but weeks later. So after some time of using Telegram-FOSS I switched to another fork available on F-droid, which is Forkgram. It does include patches from Telegram-FOSS (for example, it uses OSM instead of Google maps) and it has some really nice features I haven't seen anywhere else, such as using the native camera app for taking photos and showing unmuted unread messages on the top. But most importantly, Forkgram is maintained quite regularly, only lagging a couple of days for updates from the main app.

So, would you consider re-basing Mercurygram on top of Forkgram instead of Telegram-FOSS? I feel like this way we get the ultimate combination - FOSS patches, nice quality of life features, security updates and unified push all in one app.

Lenni-builder commented 1 month ago

I think Forkgram doesn't have many of the FOSS frindly features TG-FOSS has, so as long as these aren't all ported over I'd disagree.