MerginMaps / mobile

Mobile app for Mergin Maps 📲. Open QGIS projects and manage vector data on your phone, even offline 📶 (Android/iOS/Windows app)
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Streamimg mode doesn't record point when starts after edit geometry #3477

Open jozef-budac opened 1 month ago

jozef-budac commented 1 month ago

Streaming mode can be started in two cases. One for the new feature, and the second, when used hits edit geometry and then starts streaming mode.

In the first case, the streaming mode works as expected. In the second case, the streaming is running, but no new points are recorded. The expectation is, that new points are recorded into the feature. The second option how to fix this would be to allow streaming mode for geometry editing of already existing features.

Scenario 1) Have a multipoint feature project (ex tc04_recording) 2) record a multipoint feature and hit save 3) edit the geometry of the feature and on the map, canvas hit 3 dots hit Streaming mode and then hit Start streaming -> No new points are added to the feature