MerlinVR / USharpVideo

A basic video player made for VRChat using Udon and UdonSharp
MIT License
322 stars 43 forks source link

I'm having some problems #3

Closed Kilowog01 closed 3 years ago

Kilowog01 commented 3 years ago

The info button does not work. I'm not able to see this movie on a direct link, while this one works. Both were uploaded by me. I'm not able to set videos to play automatically when I enter the world. It just doesn't work. Your player is the best that currently exists, but the quality of the player is much lower than the player that comes with the SDK. Even after setting the maximum quality to 2160 instead of the standard 720. I'm using the latest version. And it is not exactly a problem but a suggestion. Could you put the audio sources as children of the screen? It would make my life a little bit easier to move things around in my world.

MerlinVR commented 3 years ago

In the future please make separate issues for separate problems since I cannot track each problem you have here.

You can edit the prefab to move the audio sources under the screen if you want. I'll consider moving them on the prefab, but if it breaks worlds that have custom positions for them I'll probably hold off on it.

Kilowog01 commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn't know that I should separate each problem.

And I know that I can insert the audio sources inside the player, the thing is that I'm certainly not the only one who will separate the canvas from the screen. This will make the whole thing less destructive, and consequently less problems on the user side.

EDIT: After some testing, I found that setting the canvas with these settings (Specifically size, scale, rotation and position) breaks the info button. All other buttons work normally.

MerlinVR commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay I have been busy with VKet stuff.

Make sure your info panel canvas is also moved into place accordingly. It may be floating somewhere weird in the world if you're moving the canvas by itself. Alternatively only move the root of the prefab and then the screen+speakers.

Free CDN's like to crap out way too frequently so I can't really recommend any. I have spent $5 total to host literally 10 movie nights on BunnyCDN with 5-10 other people.

I can't really take action on quality issues especially if you don't have actual comparisons that I can use to repro. The player itself does nothing that would influence the quality of the video. Make sure that you're using a fixed mp4 link to compare and test videos, not a YouTube link as YouTubeDL may decide to resolve a different source video arbitrarily.

MerlinVR commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity, if you are still having issues please make a new issue for each one, thanks.