Demo needs to be tested and it's CSS polished for true "production quality" status.
Must support
Absolute production quality: animations should feel very good, no glitches when doing things like browser resizes or zooming, and should be fully usable (clicks trigger as expected etc.).
Internet Explorer 10 & 11
Windows 10
iPhone Safari & Chrome
iPad Safari & Chrome
Androids (which versions, which browsers, which devices?)
Desktop Firefox and Chrome are used in development so they are quite automatically perfect.
"Nice to support"
Animate if possible, make work if possible, make glitch free if possible.
Demo needs to be tested and it's CSS polished for true "production quality" status.
Must support
Absolute production quality: animations should feel very good, no glitches when doing things like browser resizes or zooming, and should be fully usable (clicks trigger as expected etc.).
Desktop Firefox and Chrome are used in development so they are quite automatically perfect.
"Nice to support"
Animate if possible, make work if possible, make glitch free if possible.