MerrionComputing / CQRSDesigner

A graphical designer hosted by Visual Studio to create / codegen CQRS - Event Sourcing based solutions in C# or VB.Net
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Code generation: incorrect files included in projects #1

Open MerrionComputing opened 5 years ago

MerrionComputing commented 5 years ago

Because some code generated projects are dependent on others - for example [IdentityGroup] depends on the event definitions in [EventSourcing] some duplicate class definitions occur if files are included in both projects.

MerrionComputing commented 5 years ago

1) Exclude aggregate interface from QueryHandler and CommandHandler 2) Exclude identifier group interfaces from QueryDefinition

MerrionComputing commented 5 years ago

This is in ModelCodeGenerator.vb Private Sub AddSourceFileToProjects(filenameBase As String, sourceFileType As ModelSourceFileType)