MerryFairyTalesAD440 / Builds

AD440 Section 2349 (Tuesday)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Research Scripts for Azure DNS #23

Open D3v0nM opened 5 years ago

D3v0nM commented 5 years ago

Toddy showed me an example of this his machine "should" be around 10 lines of code.

ghost commented 5 years ago
# Create a resource group.
az group create \
  -n myResourceGroup \
  -l eastus

# Create a DNS zone. Substitute zone name "" with the values for your own.

az network dns zone create \
  -g MyResourceGroup \

# Create a DNS record. Substitute zone name "" and IP address "* with the values for your own.

az network dns record-set a add-record \
  -g MyResourceGroup \
  -z \
  -n www \

# Get a list the DNS records in your zone
az network dns record-set list \
  -g MyResourceGroup \ 