MerryFairyTalesAD440 / Builds

AD440 Section 2349 (Tuesday)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some members of the API team have failed builds through Travis CI #41

Closed ryanybrennan closed 5 years ago

ryanybrennan commented 5 years ago

Task #25

Reported to by a member of the API team that the Travis CI deployment is failing, even though we have successfully got it deployed.

ryanybrennan commented 5 years ago

Fix update: Turns out that some people signed up with and not, which is what the original link is. Below is the version of the build:

The fix was simply adding the environmental variables Travis CI uses to log into Azure and deploy to Azure Functions.


Now that the environmental variables are in place, the build deploys successfully. The next build that ran on on the develop branch deployed without issue.

Note: even though the deployments occur on different sites, deployments on the .com and .org sites affect the same Azure Functions repo, which is why the deployment notes state everything is up to date.