MerryFairyTalesAD440 / Builds

AD440 Section 2349 (Tuesday)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PROD API Travis CI Pipeline silently failing on deployment for #44

Closed ryanybrennan closed 5 years ago

ryanybrennan commented 5 years ago

Task #38

The production branch of the API pipeline to Travis CI is silently failing on, but not It may be because of this that the production resource group is not properly being deployed to. The following links illustrate the issue: This pipeline is deploying just fine. Details are in the job log by clicking on the Deploying Application job in the log. This pipeline appears to pass, but if you go to the job log and click on the Deploying Application job in the log, you will see details that provide evidence that the deployment is failing.

cjshaw commented 5 years ago

Azure functions need to be V2. They have been switched back to v2