Cross boarder money transfer usually involves limits regarding how much you can send in a single transaction and how much you can send in a single day. So, I was thinking may be you could add a function to restrict transactions based on per transaction limits and per day limits: something like this (I am still learning & I would love to learn how this can be implemented in the blockchain ):
// Initialize daily transaction tracker
dailyTransaction := DailyTransaction{
TotalAmount: dto.TotalAmount,
LastDate: dto.LastDate,
// Check each transaction
amount = transaction.Amount
date := transaction.Date
if amount > 3000.0 {
fmt.Printf("Transaction of $%.2f exceeds maximum allowed amount of $3000\n per transaction ", amount)
return false
// Check if the transaction is made on the same day
if !isSameDay(date, dailyTransaction.LastDate) {
// Reset daily transaction amount if it's a new day
dailyTransaction.TotalAmount = 0
// Check if the total amount for the day exceeds $6000
if dailyTransaction.TotalAmount+amount > 6000.0 {
fmt.Printf("Daily transaction limit exceeded. Cannot process transaction of $%.2f\n", amount)
return false
// Process the transaction
fmt.Printf("Transaction of $%.2f processed successfully\n", amount)
// Update daily transaction amount
dailyTransaction.TotalAmount += amount
dailyTransaction.LastDate = date
return true
// Function to check if two timestamps are on the same day
func isSameDay(time1, time2 time.Time) bool {
return time1.Year() == time2.Year() && time1.Month() == time2.Month() && time1.Day() == time2.Day()
Thanks for your suggestion! Adding limits on how much can be sent in one transaction and per day is a great idea, especially for cross-border transfers.
Cross boarder money transfer usually involves limits regarding how much you can send in a single transaction and how much you can send in a single day. So, I was thinking may be you could add a function to restrict transactions based on per transaction limits and per day limits: something like this (I am still learning & I would love to learn how this can be implemented in the blockchain ):
func checkDailyTransactionLimits(amount float64) bool { dto := struct { TotalAmount float64
LastDate time.Timejson:"last_date"
// Function to check if two timestamps are on the same day func isSameDay(time1, time2 time.Time) bool { return time1.Year() == time2.Year() && time1.Month() == time2.Month() && time1.Day() == time2.Day() }