MervinPraison / PraisonAI

PraisonAI application combines AutoGen and CrewAI or similar frameworks into a low-code solution for building and managing multi-agent LLM systems, focusing on simplicity, customisation, and efficient human-agent collaboration.
MIT License
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CrewAI Telemetry - posthog #57

Closed manjaroblack closed 2 weeks ago

manjaroblack commented 2 weeks ago

Telemetry is “disabled” for CrewAI in PraisonAI, however when the CrewAI_Tools are loaded the telemetry is sent to posthog. My adblocker is blocking the communication to posthog, therefore an error is generated, see below. A similar message is generated for each tool and the retries cause a significant delay in the PraisonAI process. - INFO: Backing off send_request(...) for 0.4s (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /batch/ (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000002AAF9D125D0>: Failed to resolve '' ([Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed)")))
yiouyou commented 2 weeks ago

Me too, the same problem here~

MervinPraison commented 2 weeks ago

@manjaroblack @yiouyou This issue has been fixed. Can you please update and confirm if it's all good?

pip install -U "praisonai[ui]"