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API module: get more post results #31

Closed jasonmeeks closed 8 years ago

jasonmeeks commented 8 years ago

Either need to page through the API request 20 at a time and fill up a database/list or consider seeing if there is a different API request where we can search the /r/ListenToThis subreddit for a specific genre. If we can't do that we probably need to populate a database with a ton of posts so we can hopefully have 10 of each genre

jasonmeeks commented 8 years ago

it might also be possible to get more than 20 results at once, need to try this as well

jasonmeeks commented 8 years ago

maybe it would be best to search /r/listentothis/new instead of /r/listentothis/hot and get the posts based on date posted rather than trending and then do our own algorithm to get the top 10 or random songs for each genre. im concerned if we decide to store in a database it might get complicated pulling from hot instead of new in terms of getting repeat data in the database (or we can just put code to prevent duplicate posts)

tylerphillips55 commented 8 years ago

I agree. This seems more in line with our scope.