MetOffice / aws-earth-examples

Example code of how to freely use Met Office's weather datasets through Earth on AWS.
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Not able to get any message #3

Closed anayyar82 closed 5 years ago

anayyar82 commented 5 years ago

Not able to get any message from below one

Description Met Office UK Atmospheric Hi-Res Model (UKV) - 2km Deterministic Resource type SNS Topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:021908831235:aws-earth-mo-atmospheric-ukv-prd AWS Region eu-west-2

jacobtomlinson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue. What method are you using to subscribe to this topic?

anayyar82 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am subscribeing the feed using the ARN arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:021908831235:aws-earth-mo-atmospheric-ukv-prd.

and then

import boto3 sqs = boto3.client('sqs')

messages = sqs.receive_message( QueueUrl='', MaxNumberOfMessages=1)

[message] = messages['Messages'] message

jacobtomlinson commented 5 years ago

It is likely you will need to wait for some messages to be published to the queue. We generally publish 100k messages per day, but not in a continuous stream. Please wait a while and try again.

jacobtomlinson commented 5 years ago

@anayyar82 have you had any success with this?

jacobtomlinson commented 5 years ago

Closing due to inactivity

anayyar82 commented 5 years ago

Yes, got the message , thanks for the update