MetOffice / dm-dps-wmo-codes-registry

WMO Codes Registry Configuration
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add relation #19

Open marqh opened 8 years ago

marqh commented 8 years ago

i want to provide a semantic relationship (skos:broader) between two existing entities

in scope:

marqh commented 8 years ago

for example, someone may feel that is linked to

for pressure reduced to mean sea level (MSL) the broader concept is Pressure

marqh commented 8 years ago

this can be represeted by the statement:

<> skos:broader <>

`Pressure reduced to MSL`      `has a broader concept, which is`     `Pressure`

The inference of the relation

`Pressure`                     `has a narrower concept, which is`    `Pressure reduced to MSL`

is automated and should not be encoded. However, it may be used by other systems, so any definition of narrower needs to be approved carefully. The WMO may decide that this is not to be encoded, to enforce consistency.

marqh commented 8 years ago

we shall only request that people make the relationship one way

marqh commented 8 years ago

what does someone need to know in order to propose a link?

marqh commented 8 years ago

page structure is very similar to #36

Crocstar commented 8 years ago

Pressure reduced to MSL this has a broader concept. The broader concept is Pressure

Crocstar commented 8 years ago

You can propose a link between two concepts.

For example:

The concept is ‘Pressure reduced to MSL’

You may want to suggest that this has a broader concept and that the broader concept is ‘Pressure’.

We only accept suggestions for concepts to be linked in a broader way.

To make the suggestion:

marqh commented 8 years ago

We only accept suggestions for concepts to be linked in a broader way, the inverse relation is inferred, so we do not encode it.

marqh commented 8 years ago


        a                skos:Concept , <> ;
        rdfs:label       "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                1 ;
                <> , <> , <> , <> ;
        dct:description  "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en ;
        skos:prefLabel   "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en .


        a                skos:Concept , <> ;
        rdfs:label       "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                <> ;
                1 ;
                <> , <> , <> , <> ;
        dct:description  "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en ;
        skos:prefLabel   "Pressure reduced to MSL"@en ;
        skos:broader <> .
marqh commented 8 years ago

highlighter pen:

marqh commented 7 years ago

43 has conflicts. updates made to

outstanding work:

close #43

marqh commented 7 years ago

separate the introduction into paragraphs

You can propose a link between two concepts. We only accept suggestions for concepts to be linked in a broader way, the inverse 'narrower' relation is inferred so we do not encode it. 

For example: The concept is ‘Pressure reduced to MSL’ You may want to suggest that this has a broader concept and that the broader concept is ‘Pressure’. 

To make the suggestion: