MetOffice / monio

Met Office NetCDF I/O (MONIO) written in C++ for file I/O in JEDI-based DA (JADA).
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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CMake configuration error in CI build #18

Closed yaswant closed 10 months ago

yaswant commented 1 year ago

Following error is currently observed during the cmake configuration step in CI build (MetOffice/mo-bundle/pull/277). Investigate and Fix.

-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Performing Test monio_C_FLAG_TEST_1
-- Performing Test monio_C_FLAG_TEST_1 - Success
-- Added C flag [-pipe]
-- Performing Test monio_CXX_FLAG_TEST_1
-- Performing Test monio_CXX_FLAG_TEST_1 - Success
-- Added CXX flag [-pipe]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- [monio] (0.0.1)
-- Feature TESTS enabled
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1") found components: CXX 
-- Found HDF5: /usr/local/lib/;/usr/lib64/libpthread.a;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/libdl.a;/usr/lib64/ (found version "1.14.0")  
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1")  
-- Found NetCDF: /usr/local/include (found version "4.9.2") found components: CXX 
-- FindNetCDF defines targets:
--   - NetCDF_VERSION [4.9.2]
--   - NetCDF_C_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE [/usr/local/bin/nc-config]
--   - NetCDF::NetCDF_C [SHARED] [Root: /usr/local] Lib: /usr/local/lib/ 
--   - NetCDF_CXX_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE [/usr/local/bin/ncxx4-config]
--   - NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX [SHARED] [Root: /usr/local] Lib: /usr/local/lib/ 
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5") 
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5") 
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "4.5") found components: CXX Fortran 
-- Found Boost: /usr/include (found version "1.75.0")  
-- PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR: /usr/local/src/monio/17-bundle/monio
-- PROJECT_BINARY_DIR: /tmp/build-and-test-hrSI76/monio
-- CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR: /usr/local/src/monio/17-bundle/monio/test
-- CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR: /tmp/build-and-test-hrSI76/monio/test
CMake Error: cmake version 3.26.4
Usage: /usr/local/bin/cmake -E <command> [arguments...]
Available commands: 
  capabilities              - Report capabilities built into cmake in JSON format
  cat [--] <files>...       - concat the files and print them to the standard output
  chdir dir cmd [args...]   - run command in a given directory
  compare_files [--ignore-eol] file1 file2
                              - check if file1 is same as file2
  copy <file>... destination  - copy files to destination (either file or directory)
  copy_directory <dir>... destination   - copy content of <dir>... directories to 'destination' directory
  copy_directory_if_different <dir>... destination   - copy changed content of <dir>... directories to 'destination' directory
  copy_if_different <file>... destination  - copy files if it has changed
  echo [<string>...]        - displays arguments as text
  echo_append [<string>...] - displays arguments as text but no new line
  env [--unset=NAME ...] [NAME=VALUE ...] [--] <command> [<arg>...]
                            - run command in a modified environment
  environment               - display the current environment
  make_directory <dir>...   - create parent and <dir> directories
  md5sum <file>...          - create MD5 checksum of files
  sha1sum <file>...         - create SHA1 checksum of files
  sha224sum <file>...       - create SHA224 checksum of files
  sha256sum <file>...       - create SHA256 checksum of files
  sha384sum <file>...       - create SHA384 checksum of files
  sha512sum <file>...       - create SHA512 checksum of files
  remove [-f] <file>...     - remove the file(s), use -f to force it (deprecated: use rm instead)
  remove_directory <dir>... - remove directories and their contents (deprecated: use rm instead)
  rename oldname newname    - rename a file or directory (on one volume)
  rm [-rRf] [--] <file/dir>... - remove files or directories, use -f to force it, r or R to remove directories and their contents recursively
  sleep <number>...         - sleep for given number of seconds
  tar [cxt][vf][zjJ] file.tar [file/dir1 file/dir2 ...]
                            - create or extract a tar or zip archive
  time command [args...]    - run command and display elapsed time
  touch <file>...           - touch a <file>.
  touch_nocreate <file>...  - touch a <file> but do not create it.
  create_symlink old new    - create a symbolic link new -> old
  create_hardlink old new   - create a hard link new -> old
  true                      - do nothing with an exit code of 0
  false                     - do nothing with an exit code of 1

-- Configuring done (10.7s)
phlndrwd commented 10 months ago
