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sr_xx remove xyz.conf if the configuration file is invalid, remove operation fails. #84

Open petersilva opened 6 years ago

petersilva commented 6 years ago

if you try to remove a configuration and the configuration is not valid/correct, the remove fails and it prints an error message. It should give up on clearing out broker resource, and remove files in ~/.cache/sarra, and ~/.config/sarra

blacklab% sr_poll remove awsnexrad.conf 2018-08-14 23:20:35,807 [ERROR] destination option incorrect or missing

Usage: sr_poll [OPTIONS] configfile [foreground|start|stop|restart|reload|status|cleanup|setup]

version: 2.18.08b1

Poll a remote server to produce announcements of new files appearing there

poll.conf file settings, MANDATORY ones must be set for a valid configuration:

AMQP broker settings: post_broker amqp{s}://user>:<pw>@<brokerhost[:port]/ (default: amqp:// )

AMQP Queue bindings: postexchange (default: xreport for feeders, xs) topic_prefix (invariant prefix, currently subtopic (MANDATORY)

= ..... * single directory wildcard (matches one directory) # wildcard (matches rest) AMQP Queue settings: durable (default: False) expire (default: None) message-ttl (default: None) queue_name (default: program set it for you) Processing: do_line Githubissues.
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