MetPX / wmo_mesh

minimal sample to demonstrate mesh network with a pub/sub message passing protocol (mqtt in this case.)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Mirroring use case fields (why pass through headers one doesn't understand.) #11

Open petersilva opened 5 years ago

petersilva commented 5 years ago

In Sarracenia, there is a use case involving pure directory mirroring. It means replicating a bit more file meta data. the wmo_mesh demonstration currently ignores these fields, and it is likely unnecessary for wmo usage. Documenting these fields as a demonstation that specific implementations may include fields that the general standard does not support, but both ends may use, but the intervening nodes should pass them unaltered.

The fields used to this:

The data replication works fine without any of these fields, but some end points may want to interpret them.

petersilva commented 5 years ago

ownership is a missing field in the Sarracenia implementation which may be implemented in the near future.

petersilva commented 5 years ago