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[BUG]Failed to start hexo server in the process of adding theme Wikitten #9

Closed Cloudifold closed 2 years ago

Cloudifold commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug A html page can't be shown at localhost:4000

To Reproduce Follow the step of "Submitting a new theme template" in

  1. Create a theme branch.

    $ git checkout -b theme/<theme_name>
  2. Edit

    git clone themes/Wikitten
  3. Install dependencies:

    # optional, check the theme's official documentation
    $ yarn add hexo hexo-autonofollow hexo-directory-category hexo-generator-archive hexo-generator-category hexo-generator-feed hexo-generator-index hexo-generator-json-content hexo-generator-sitemap hexo-generator-tag hexo-renderer-ejs hexo-renderer-marked hexo-renderer-stylus
    # see the section 'Add meta-space-config-filter'
    $ yarn add hexo-filter-meta-space 
  4. Create _config.Wikitten.yml and delete the existed one. Edit _config.yml :

    theme: Wikitten
  5. Test :

    $ ./
    $ yarn server --debug

Expected behavior A html page can be shown at localhost:4000

Screenshots XXX

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Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

remi-guan commented 2 years ago

The problem is due to the lack of configuration file content for the theme. Refer to the official document:

  1. Rename the _config.yml.example to _config.yml so you can config theme
$ cp -f themes/Wikitten/_config.yml.example themes/Wikitten/_config.yml
# edit and customize it
$ vim themes/Wikitten/_config.yml

To this problem, you can run this command:

$ cp -f themes/Wikitten/_config.yml.example _config.Wikitten.yml

But, we should have mentioned this in the documentation, so I'll update the later.