Closed brenthuisman closed 3 years ago
Unfortunately this is a bug, because you are using the old format in the run script (with the path.conf). There are two ways now.
to paths
. The first solution would look like this more or less:
# import
from l2l.utils.experiment import Experiment
# ... in def main():
fit, swc, ref = 'fit.json', 'cell.swc', 'nrn.csv'
name = 'ARBOR-FUN'
results_folder = '../results'
trajectory_name = 'ARBOR'
experiment = Experiment(results_folder)
traj, _ = experiment.prepare_experiment(trajectory_name=trajectory_name,
optimizee = ArbSCOptimizee(traj, fit, swc, ref)
parameters = GeneticAlgorithmParameters(seed=0, popsize=50, CXPB=0.5, MUTPB=0.3, NGEN=100, indpb=0.02, tournsize=15, matepar=0.5, mutpar=1)
optimizer = GeneticAlgorithmOptimizer(traj, optimizee_create_individual=optimizee.create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights=(-0.1,), parameters=parameters)
experiment.run_experiment(optimizee=optimizee, optimizer=optimizer,
Hi, the faulty code was more or less copied verbatim from the bin-directory of L2L. Also, the docs indicate this as the standard way of setting up. A note about the deprecation would be helpful.
Best regards, T
This gets me one step further
Created a folder at /Users/hater/src/results
All output logs can be found in directory /Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 146, in <module>
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 133, in main
traj, _ = experiment.prepare_experiment(trajectory_name=trajectory_name, name=name)
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/l2l/utils/", line 139, in prepare_experiment
if k not in kwargs.get('jube_parameter').keys():
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'```
The error should be fixed with the pr I made as well. For the moment can you try:
experiment.prepare_experiment(trajectory_name=trajectory_name, name=name, jube_parameter={})
if you do not have any parameter for jube set.
Yes we need to update the docs as well.
Yes, I figured that out, now:
All output logs can be found in directory /Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/logs
JUBE parameters used: {'submit_cmd': 'sbatch', 'job_file': '', 'nodes': '1', 'walltime': '01:00:00', 'ppn': '1', 'cpu_pp': '1', 'threads_pp': '4', 'mail_mode': 'ALL', 'err_file': 'stderr', 'out_file': 'stdout', 'tasks_per_job': '1', 'exec': 'python /Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/simulation/run_files/', 'ready_file': '/Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/ready_files/ready_w_', 'work_path': '/Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN', 'paths_obj': <l2l.paths.Paths object at 0x1071a3a30>}
/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/deap/ RuntimeWarning: A class named 'FitnessMax' has already been created and it will be overwritten. Consider deleting previous creation of that class or rename it.
warnings.warn("A class named '{0}' has already been created and it "
/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/deap/ RuntimeWarning: A class named 'Individual' has already been created and it will be overwritten. Consider deleting previous creation of that class or rename it.
warnings.warn("A class named '{0}' has already been created and it "
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 145, in <module>
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 141, in main
experiment.run_experiment(optimizee=optimizee, optimizer=optimizer, optimizer_parameters=parameters)
TypeError: run_experiment() missing 1 required positional argument: 'optimizee_parameters'
Will be fixed as well. Put optimizee_parameters=None
in run_experiment
Again throwing in a dummy:
JUBE parameters used: {'submit_cmd': 'sbatch', 'job_file': '', 'nodes': '1', 'walltime': '01:00:00', 'ppn': '1', 'cpu_pp': '1', 'threads_pp': '4', 'mail_mode': 'ALL', 'err_file': 'stderr', 'out_file': 'stdout', 'tasks_per_job': '1', 'exec': 'python /Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/simulation/run_files/', 'ready_file': '/Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/ready_files/ready_w_', 'work_path': '/Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN', 'paths_obj': <l2l.paths.Paths object at 0x105beaa30>}
/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/deap/ RuntimeWarning: A class named 'FitnessMax' has already been created and it will be overwritten. Consider deleting previous creation of that class or rename it.
warnings.warn("A class named '{0}' has already been created and it "
/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/deap/ RuntimeWarning: A class named 'Individual' has already been created and it will be overwritten. Consider deleting previous creation of that class or rename it.
warnings.warn("A class named '{0}' has already been created and it "
MainProcess bin.l2l ash 65133 INFO : Optimizee parameters: {}
MainProcess bin.l2l ash 65133 INFO : Optimizer parameters: GeneticAlgorithmParameters(seed=0, popsize=50, CXPB=0.5, MUTPB=0.3, NGEN=100, indpb=0.02, tournsize=15, matepar=0.5, mutpar=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 145, in <module>
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/../l2l-arbor/", line 141, in main
experiment.run_experiment(optimizee=optimizee, optimizer=optimizer, optimizer_parameters=parameters, optimizee_parameters={})
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/l2l/utils/", line 163, in run_experiment
jube.prepare_optimizee(optimizee, self.paths.simulation_path)
File "/Users/hater/src/L2L/.direnv/python-venv-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/l2l/utils/", line 288, in prepare_optimizee
pickle.dump(optimizee, f)
TypeError: cannot pickle 'arbor._arbor.morphology' object
I think this is also not documented very well. The optimizee is a stateless object. So it is a more complex problem. If you use anything in simulate() you created before the pickling doesn't have access.
Another option would be to make an external call to arbor from the optimizee.
I figured out how to do this -- by relocating all un-pickleable entities to simulate
-- but now I have a conflict in python versions
File "/Users/hater/src/results/ARBOR-FUN/simulation/run_files/", line 6, in <module>
trajectory = pickle.load(handle_trajectory)
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1384, in load
return Unpickler(file).load()
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 864, in load
File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 892, in load_proto
raise ValueError, "unsupported pickle protocol: %d" % proto
ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5
Seemingly the run script does not pick up the calling python (3.9) but uses whatever python
refers to.
Look in the ArborSCoptimizee file (which I can't see anymore) for a line traj.f_add_parameter_to_group
. In there, python
is added. Change it to python3
and see what happens.
I believe the issue is solved. I am closing it. If there is further need to discuss reopen please.
We're running into an issue with L2L master (as of time of posting). We've written an optimizee, but an error is generated when we try to run the optimization:
Not 100% sure if it's the source for the error, but we set the paths thus:
Basically copied from one of the examples. Any idea what's going wrong? There is an
created in the path you might expect, so it seems the paths_obj is succesfully used somewhere.Our code: We use L2L @ master and @ master.