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Specify startup jobs #695

Open filippomc opened 11 months ago

filippomc commented 11 months ago

Jobs are useful to do one time initializations, migrations, etc

Jobs should be defined similarly to deployments in the values.yaml

    image: # defaults to the application image if null, or can be specified to use a different image
    auto: true
    commands: []
    shareVolume: true

If auto is true, a job is created with the same context of the deployment (variables, volumes). Since a volume can be shared it is important to add pod affinity

zsinnema commented 11 months ago

@filippomc imo this is a feature that we should really think through. For example what will happen if this job fails, can the "main" pod then still exist and run? Or how to handle dependencies like the main pod can only run if the "task" is finished

I would really like to see the user story here, the why do we need this

filippomc commented 11 months ago

We have a case of data/user ingestion for a project with @alxbrd that we are planning to generalize. We have another case on another project where we need to ingest external data into the database on the first run. Definitely I wouldn't make a dependency such as a pod not being able to start because a task is not finished (or any other pod hasn't started). That would be totally against the base Kubernetes principles.

zsinnema commented 11 months ago

@filippomc postgresql has an option to ingest data on creation, you can use the to run missing migration (Django has this)

I would solve this on the application framework level instead of depending on a job

filippomc commented 11 months ago

sure but one thing does not exclude the other. Also Django model migrations wouldn't be a case for this

zsinnema commented 11 months ago

@filippomc imo this is at least until we have a good user story a very very low priority

filippomc commented 11 months ago

As said, we already have a case on a project that we are aiming at generalizing here

filippomc commented 11 months ago

@zsinnema I also think we should have something similar to create daemonsets listening and handling events. I don't like much events being handled inside service pods