MetaCell / geppetto-scidash

Geppetto scidash extension
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Improve error handling for cases where parameters that neuronunit declares as optional but scidash as a whole requires to run simulations are left blank by the user #382

Open gidili opened 5 years ago

gidili commented 5 years ago

I think the solution here is to make those parameters required in the UI (stuff like dt, tmax), right now they are optional because neuronunit is communicating to the UI they should be optional (we changed this as part of improving validation as before they were required on the UI).

But defensively we also should handle cases where these parameters are left blank and communicate back useful errors messages to the user while right now in this edge case (that we did not foresee ever happening during testing) the tests are remaining locked with no explanation to the user.

rgerkin commented 4 years ago

I propose that optional params be showed in SciDash, and pre-filled with their defaults ( If there is no default, they are left blank. The user should not be able to finish registering or editing the test until there are no blank fields.