MetaCoq / metacoq

Metaprogramming, verified meta-theory and implementation of Coq in Coq
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In 8.18, MetaCoq Run sometimes returns an anomaly when running incorrectly typed code. #1042

Closed DeLectionnes closed 7 months ago

DeLectionnes commented 9 months ago

In 8.18, MetaCoq Run sends an anomaly if you Run a piece of code that is not typed correctly, and that the Coq typechecker rejects.

In 8.16, it only sends an error, not an anomaly.

This happens with the version 1.2.1+8.18 installed via opam.

From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.
Import MCMonadNotation.

(*Exemple with a typing error*)
Definition ident_term (a : term) : term := a.

Definition quote_inductive {X}(inductive:X): TemplateMonad _ := 
  quote <- tmQuote inductive;;
  tmReturn quote.

Inductive tm : Set := .

Definition d1 : TemplateMonad unit.
Fail refine (
    quote  <- quote_inductive tm;;
    constructor <- ident_term quote;;
    tmPrint constructor)
(*The command has indeed failed with message:
In environment
quote : term
Unable to unify "term" with "TemplateMonad ?Goal2".
(while solving unification constraints, see flag "Solve Unification Constraints")*)

Fail MetaCoq Run(
    quote  <- quote_inductive tm;;
    constructor <- ident_term quote;;
    tmPrint constructor)
(*Error: Anomaly "File "kernel/", line 1485, characters 26-32: Assertion failed."
Please report at*)
mattam82 commented 7 months ago

Fixed in #1068 and released in 1.3.1 versions (soon in opam)