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Advanced Settings: Dev-specific UI Controls + Functionality #2

Closed cjeria closed 5 years ago

cjeria commented 6 years ago

We're starting to see a clearer dividing line between basic and advanced(dev-specific) features. The easiest place to put on/off switches for dev-specific functionality and ui control customizations is probably inside of settings.

Advanced features would include:

Wireframe: image

@danfinlay @Zanibas @kumavis Thoughts?

danfinlay commented 6 years ago

Auto approve my transactions within an X window of time. (to reduce the amount of tx over and over)

That one's scary, not sure I approve of it.

The rest is good.

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cjeria commented 6 years ago

@danfinlay Yea, i wasn't sure of that one myself. I talked to someone at the retreat who expressed being annoyed with having to repeatedly approve transactions as he was developing his dapp on test nets. Thought I'd capture here so that I don't forget about it.

danfinlay commented 6 years ago

I think there are other ways for developers to improve that experience, like running Ganache locally.

cjeria commented 6 years ago

Cool, didn't know that was possible with Ganache. Crossed that one out


cjeria commented 6 years ago

I would add to the advanced settings a "display function data" switch.

We'll show function name on the top of a confirm TX screen by default for all transactions. For example, a "Transfer" function type would look like this in the top bar:


However, if advanced users chooses to see additional data associated with the function type, they can turn on this feature in settings.

Example of what function data could look like:

    name :'Transfer From',
    methodSignature: 'transferFrom( address, uint256 )`,
    args: [
      { type: 'address', value: '0xabcdefg1234567890 },
      { type: 'uint256', value: '235' }
danfinlay commented 6 years ago

That looks like a huge improvement, I agree the parameters can probably be reserved for advanced users, and could even be captured on a separate issue.