$19B in Total Value Locked (TVL) across all networks
stkGHO Contract address: 0x1a88Df1cFe15Af22B3c4c783D4e6F7F9e0C1885d
Reputation: OK
Verified contract: Yes, https://etherscan.io/address/0x1a88Df1cFe15Af22B3c4c783D4e6F7F9e0C1885d#code
This token meets the criteria for inclusion as it has:
A clear use case in the DeFi ecosystem as a wrapped version of ether.fi's liquid staking token
Significant Total Value Locked in the parent protocol, indicating strong adoption
A verified contract on Etherscan
A OK reputation on Etherscan
An active and informative official website
Official website: https://www.aave.com
Project activity:
This token meets the criteria for inclusion as it has: