I am uploading the BOOH token contract address and metadata, so owners of BOOH token have access to token image as requested by ticket #169835.
In terms of authenticity, the token has been verified by Etherscan. We are a crypto based gaming project with an in game based token. I will provide links to the project website, game, and contract audits of our vesting smart contracts. Please let me know if you have any further information.
I am uploading the BOOH token contract address and metadata, so owners of BOOH token have access to token image as requested by ticket #169835.
In terms of authenticity, the token has been verified by Etherscan. We are a crypto based gaming project with an in game based token. I will provide links to the project website, game, and contract audits of our vesting smart contracts. Please let me know if you have any further information.
Official website: https://boohworld.io/ Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xC18B4C1e0b4d4d0F1e9627F25399F5073079Ac3D
Tear Sheet/Tokenomics https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQV1uoPxA/ii9kBJlUGfERgBddp4af-w/edit?utm_content=DAGQV1uoPxA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Audit Reports Token Audit: https://github.com/Coinsult/solidity/blob/main/Coinsult_BoohToken_0xC1...Ac3D_Audit.pdf Staking Audit: https://github.com/Coinsult/solidity/blob/main/Coinsult_BoohToken_Staking_0xC2...7a10_Audit.pdf Vesting Audit: https://github.com/Coinsult/solidity/blob/main/Coinsult_BoohToken_VestingManager_0x6a...77D0_Audit.pdf
Social Media Telegram: https://t.me/BOOHWORLD X: https://x.com/boohworld?s=21 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@boohworld Zealy: https://zealy.io/cw/boohworld/questboard
Booh Brawlers Beta Telegram Game: https://web.telegram.org/a/#6609790923
Best, Booh World [Scott Y]