This epic encompasses the creation and analysis of three proof-of-concept (POC) implementations for a shared UI component library. The goal is to evaluate the feasibility, benefits, and potential challenges of each approach.
POC 1: Tailwind with Radix
Description: This POC will explore the use of Tailwind CSS framework in conjunction with the Radix UI component library.
Set up a project using Tailwind and Radix.
Implement a set of sample components.
Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.
POC 2: Test POC without Tailwind in Extension
Description: This POC will test the implementation of the shared UI component library in the extension without using Tailwind.
Set up a project without Tailwind.
Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.
POC 3: Chakra/CSS-in-JS Version
Description: This POC will explore the use of the Chakra UI library and CSS-in-JS for styling.
Set up a project using Chakra UI and CSS-in-JS.
Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.
POC 4: Tamagui
Description: This POC will explore the use of the Tamagui UI library.
Set up a project using Tamagui.
Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.
Each POC will be followed by an analysis phase, where we'll document our findings and make recommendations for the next steps.
This epic encompasses the creation and analysis of three proof-of-concept (POC) implementations for a shared UI component library. The goal is to evaluate the feasibility, benefits, and potential challenges of each approach.
POC 1: Tailwind with Radix
POC 2: Test POC without Tailwind in Extension
POC 3: Chakra/CSS-in-JS Version
POC 4: Tamagui
Each POC will be followed by an analysis phase, where we'll document our findings and make recommendations for the next steps.