MetaMask / eth-phishing-detect

Utility for detecting phishing domains targeting Web3 users
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[Unblock Legitimate Site] #68728

Closed RealJohnnyTime closed 2 months ago

RealJohnnyTime commented 2 months ago


Details: Some details about the domain (optional)


This is the third instance of the domain being mistakenly added to the blacklist. Despite previous PRs removing it, it continues to be added back repeatedly. It appears someone might be abusing the system by re-adding this domain to the blacklist. Here are the previous PRs:

Could you please investigate which commit is responsible for this recurring issue and resolve it?

Thanks in advance,


ShenWe0x commented 2 months ago

Since your website is for the sale of fake mevbot contracts, moreover, the contract you created is not related to mevbot and when the user deposits money, it is transferred to the secret address in the contract. It is not appropriate to unban your website.

AlexHerman1 commented 2 months ago

hi @RealJohnnyTime can you provide a response to @ShenWe0x please

AlexHerman1 commented 2 months ago

@RealJohnnyTime this is the last time i will be pinging you before you are re-added to the blocklist. please provide an explanation to @ShenWe0x above

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late reply—I didn't get a notification.

@ShenWe0x, this is a completely false accusation. Please provide proof before making statements without any basis.

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

This is actually outrageous, especially since I'm all about white hat hacking and education, and I would never do something like that. On the contrary, I teach and educate people on how to avoid these scammers on my YouTube channel:

Ab1z3r commented 1 month ago

Hey @AlexHerman1, might not be my place to say but I've taken @RealJohnnyTime 's course and can personally stick my neck out to vouch for him. He's a great educator in the field and has no malicious/fraudulent intentions.

OndrejJuda commented 1 month ago

@ShenWe0x is wrong. As a former web3 auditor I vouch for @RealJohnnyTime as well. He is one of the best educators for white hack hacking and this very site and Johnny's course was the one that brought me to the world of web3 auditing.

maxandron commented 1 month ago

@AlexHerman1 I can also vouch for @RealJohnnyTime. He has high integrity and does a lot for the blockchain community. This is 100% a bot mistake.

@ShenWe0x Please look into your sources.

h4xhor commented 1 month ago

Hi @AlexHerman1 . I'm also a student of @RealJohnnyTime course and like @Ab1z3r I will also personally stick my neck out to vouch for @RealJohnnyTime. His course is of high quality, is of integrity and teaches future ethical white hat security researchers.

dvir1994 commented 1 month ago

Johnny is legit, it's outrageous that you guys make him go through this circus again and again. @AlexHerman1 i suggest taking the professional approach - actually take a look at the data

  1. The accuser has no proof and is probably a troll
  2. Invest 5 minutes to check out the YouTube channel of Johnny and see that what he says is true

You should have a proper process in place to handle such cases instead of hurting the reputation of legitimate businesses!

piavgh commented 1 month ago

I took @RealJohnnyTime course and I'm sure that the material in the course is nothing like this accusation: "the sale of fake mevbot contracts, moreover, the contract you created is not related to mevbot and when the user deposits money, it is transferred to the secret address in the contract"

firattale commented 1 month ago

hi @RealJohnnyTime can you provide a response to @ShenWe0x please

Hi @AlexHerman1, I also took a course from @RealJohnnyTime and there is nothing like @ShenWe0x described under this domain, it is just a website to host course contents.

bitnician commented 1 month ago

hi @RealJohnnyTime can you provide a response to @ShenWe0x please

Having completed the course, I can confidently attest to his expertise and dedication as an educator. In my experience, @RealJohnnyTime has demonstrated professionalism. All the contracts I saw in the course are just sample contracts for learning vulnerabilities.

Johnny is a known whitehat hacker and besides that, lots of famous whitehat hackers have participated in the course as a guest. There is no MEVbot for sale and there is no secret address.

m-waqas88 commented 1 month ago

@RealJohnnyTime is one of the best web3 security related content creators I have ever seen. I can vouch for this man and the domain. I got certified as a Whitehat Smart Contract Hacker from this platform. This domain is 100% legit.

KiranKBR commented 1 month ago

I will vouch for @RealJohnnyTime, who is one of the best educators in white-hat hacking. This site and Johnny's course introduced me to the world of web3 auditing.

kamikazebr commented 1 month ago

Same here, i vouch for @RealJohnnyTime.

PS: @AlexHerman1 that its joke you allow @ShenWe0x accuse without any kind prove and take it seriouly, mainly after that be third time of such thing, come on. Or do you think we are all bots also?

@ShenWe0x that is the guy should be asked here to prove something.

What kind affirmation is that "Since your website is for the sale of fake mevbot contracts"? What is the base for that claim? Give us some printscreen, some tx, something.

Finally i want to endorse what @dvir1994 brought here

Johnny is legit, it's outrageous that you guys make him go through this circus again and again. @AlexHerman1 i suggest taking the professional approach - actually take a look at the data

  1. The accuser has no proof and is probably a troll
  2. Invest 5 minutes to check out the YouTube channel of Johnny and see that what he says is true

You should have a proper process in place to handle such cases instead of hurting the reputation of legitimate businesses!

luloxi commented 1 month ago

I've almost completed @RealJohnnyTime course by now, and apart from being great content, I can confidently vouch that there's no malware in the course learning material. It's all Solidity vulnerability exploiting lessons, followed up by a lesson on how to protect the vulnerable contract. No silly business going on

Alessandro-Cavaliere commented 1 month ago

What you are saying, without any proof, is absolutely shameful. Be professional @ShenWe0x

mdulin2 commented 1 month ago

The JohnnyTime website is legitimate with no phishing on it. Please remove it from the ban list.

He's got a public YouTube channel where he talks about smart contract security and is a teacher in the community. These claims are baseless.

denissosnowsky commented 1 month ago

Hi @AlexHerman1,

I have completed the @RealJohnnyTime course. It is a great educational website and Johnny is one of the best web3 educators. @ShenWe0x accusation is ridiculous. The website has nothing to do with "sale of fake mevbot contracts" or "secret address".

I think you guys should do your work better

kryptonomousb commented 1 month ago

@ShenWe0x, @AlexHerman1 and whomever else is reading this, @RealJohnnyTime has taught and continues to teach security in the web3 space. He's an amazing educator and stresses how to keep people "safe" from Malicious hackers and actors. The website and course is focused on Web3 Security and is a legitimate teaching platform for learning web3 security. It touches on topics of common and advanced security issues in the web3 space. I know first hand because I have taken the course on the website as well as passed the final exam. This exam is complex and upon completing the test with a passing grade, you receive a certificate showing have successfully completed his security course. Not only is it legitmate, but very very professional at that.

stunspotx commented 1 month ago

I'm currently taking his course and have not found it malicious. He is definitely not a scammer, you can check his youtube page as well.

fvelazquez-X commented 1 month ago

This is a clear missunderstanding. @RealJohnnyTime positive impact in the web3 security community is evident. How it is possible that he is accused for storing malicious code while being recognized by one of the most important audit platforms for securing web3 smart contracts for being a great web3 educator?

Sherlock Protocol added to the watsons profile the possibility to add the certificate from Johnny's course and website. The proof is here:

Unban him

codeninja819 commented 1 month ago

The website is legit+

AlexHerman1 commented 1 month ago

@RealJohnnyTime this website is not blocked and has not been for days. please stop asking people to spam this issue with comments.

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

These are my students who were disappointed with how this whole situation was handled, especially since the website they use daily was blocked three times. You can't really stop free speech. I've already informed them that the issue has been resolved, and their support is much appreciated.

ShenWe0x commented 1 month ago

@RealJohnnyTime There are multiple videos on YouTube where they make fake videos such as "mevbot", "uniswap earn $1000" and use your face in the videos, please identify them and send copyright.

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

@ShenWe0x, your unfounded accusations are both unprofessional and reckless.

It's clear you didn't watch the video you referenced:

Had you bothered to watch even the first 30 seconds, you would know the video is actually designed to expose these scams and teach viewers how to avoid them.

Moreover, you clearly haven't read the comments section, where countless viewers express their gratitude. They almost fell for the scam but, thanks to my video appearing first on YouTube search results, they understood the scam and protected their funds.

Your negligence in checking your facts before making baseless accusations is highly unprofessional.

I recommend the Metamask team (cc @AlexHerman1) revoke @ShenWe0x's permissions to create PRs for this repo. His behavior is harming legitimate businesses and is not in line with professional standards.

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

I've attached a screenshot of the comments section in case you're too lazy to click the link and perform due diligence which is very likely @ShenWe0x

RealJohnnyTime commented 1 month ago

And if that wasn't enough for you @ShenWe0x, here are some more 👇

kryptonomousb commented 1 month ago

This is madness. @ShenWe0x The AMOUNT OF TIME you are spend on these accusations compared to the evidence presented to you is clear. You can just watch those videos and within 3 MINS you can clearly see what this video is about, let alone the comments behind it. Days have been spent with this issue rather then CLEARLY reviewing everything. @RealJohnnyTime is an web3 SECURITY EDUCATOR. He teaches how to recognize scams and how to stay safe in this space. His methods of teaching are clear and effective. Spending some time READING and VIEWING the content will not only clear up your accusactions, but clear up your schedule to find REAL malicious actors out there.

Taneristique commented 1 month ago

I follow @RealJohnnyTime on youtube for more than a year and I've never ever saw such fake videos in his youtube channel or somewhere else with his image. Instead he always taught me how to secure smart contract protocols. I can vouch that he is one of the best educators in blockchain security space I've ever seen and there is no such malicious mev bot video with his image. If you don't believe me you can simply look at his youtube channel which is public . Additionaly @ShenWe0x ,instead of falsely accusing @RealJohnnyTime you can address real malicious actors.