MetaMask / metamask-extension

:globe_with_meridians: :electric_plug: The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
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MetaMask encountered an error #11069

Closed ChristBKK closed 3 years ago

ChristBKK commented 3 years ago

Message: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

Code: Error


Error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at Mu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:109949) at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:57194 at za (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:66624) at jl (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:104838) at bu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:90053) at pu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:89978) at iu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:87326) at eu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:84094) at zu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:112010) at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:113243 at lu (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:87674) at Ku (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:113228) at render (chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui-libs.js:75:115151) at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/ui.js:152:1356161

davidlucid commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue!

akhanubis commented 3 years ago

Having this issue too.

I can disable/enable the extension to go back to the lock screen and then switch network before unlocking, but as soon as I switch back to the network related to the issue the error appears (so I cant operate at all with, in my case, BSC). If I create a new duplicate network, this new network throws the same error.

EDIT: I also tried removing the last used account and then I was able to switch to the network, but as soon as I added the account back the error reappeared.

Version 9.5.1

ChristBKK commented 3 years ago

in my case it crashes with the Ethereum Mainnet. Also Version 9.5.1

Duayt commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue too. But I found some short fix. Close all the chrome tab. Re-Open the Metamask, and before you log in with a password try changing to other networks first. hope this helps while we waiting for other update

LogvinovLeon commented 3 years ago

@kumavis @danfinlay Sorry to ping you guys, but this makes MetaMask unusable (high pri). I'm having this issue on mainnet (other networks work)

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

@LogvinovLeon I am currently investigating this issue and trying to find reproduction steps to get to the bottom of the issue.

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

I'm wondering if its specific to a token that exists on a given account for a given network. Please advise if adding tokens from accounts that are known to be problematic to "good" accounts results in the same error.

akhanubis commented 3 years ago

I'm wondering if its specific to a token that exists on a given account for a given network. Please advise if adding tokens from accounts that are known to be problematic to "good" accounts results in the same error.

I havent tested that, but I can use the account and network without any issues in a fresh Metamask with no tokens added.

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

@akhanubis -- could you use the BSC block explorer and add all tokens you hold a balance in one by one and let me know if you can reproduce the error?

LogvinovLeon commented 3 years ago

I can tell you that I was using MetaMask successfully today at 9:40 UTC and etherscan shows that I haven't received any tokens from that time. Happy to share more info in a private context.

LogvinovLeon commented 3 years ago

My current version is 9.5.1

zetrancos commented 3 years ago

I'm having issues too but only when logging in using BSC network. When using eth or fantom networks it's all good.

danjm commented 3 years ago

@LogvinovLeon I will e-mail you from my ConsenSys e-mail address

zetrancos commented 3 years ago

I tried:

1- Change rpc on BSC network 2- Clear chache, close and reopen browser

Neither worked

The last resort is recovering the account into a fresh metamask, has anyone done it successfully?

NinjaTurtle007 commented 3 years ago

I have the same error and can confirm that switching to Matic network before logging-in, starts the wallet, but then when you switch to Ethereum main net it shows the error again. So you can't use it for ethereum main net right now. With the dropping prices a lot of users might need to do urgent transactions to avoid liquidation. Please fix that before lots of people lose lots of money...

zetrancos commented 3 years ago

I have the same error and can confirm that switching to Matic network before logging-in, starts the wallet, but then when you switch to Ethereum main net it shows the error again. So you can't use it for ethereum main net right now. With the dropping prices a lot of users might need to do urgent transactions to avoid liquidation. Please fix that before lots of people lose lots of money...

That seems a bit weird, I can connect to all networks (including eth mainnet), but not BSC network...

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

It is something specific to account + network combo -- we currently cache some values by a combination of these keys (like which tokens to load in your asset page) and that is on the homescreen. So if you're open for more personal questions that you shouldn't share in a github thread about the status of your account, drop your email and @danjm or I will reach out from our consensys emails. Details we'd like to know: which tokens you had added to your wallet for these specific networks and accounts. If you're currently having issue with a network try to change to a different network, switch to a different account (or make a new one) and then switch back to the problem network. If it still crashes we can confirm its not account related. If it doesn't crash but then switching to the effected account crashes then we can confirm its a unique combo. @zetrancos @NinjaTurtle007

zetrancos commented 3 years ago


I've tried it all, basically, when I end up switching to bsc network the error pops up and I have to restart browser to change the network and log in.

tmashuang commented 3 years ago

So if you're open for more personal questions that you shouldn't share in a github thread about the status of your account, drop your email

If your email is also too publicly sensitive submit a new support ticket with your state logs (getting state logs guide) before encountering the error message, before switching networks. Then reference the support ticket number here with a little description of the events before encountering the error, if you haven't done so already.

TomAFrench commented 3 years ago

I get this error whenever I click on ETH within the asset list on mainnet on one of my accounts. Switching to a different network or account solves the issue. Removing all tokens other than ETH didn't help fix.

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

@TomAFrench if you click "activity" tab while on the homescreen does it also occur? if not, keep loading transactions if you have only 10 displayed until you get to the end of your tx history and let me know if you experience the crash.

TomAFrench commented 3 years ago

@brad-decker I got to the end of my transaction history with no crashes although that was only 2 "view more"s

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

well I guess that means its not a transaction history bug. Has anyone tried importing their accounts into a fresh install of MetaMask on another browser? If it still occurs that'll give us more details to go on and would mean you could build MetaMask from the repo and tell us more details. That last bit is probably wishful thinking, ;P

akhanubis commented 3 years ago

well I guess that means its not a transaction history bug. Has anyone tried importing their accounts into a fresh install of MetaMask on another browser? If it still occurs that'll give us more details to go on and would mean you could build MetaMask from the repo and tell us more details. That last bit is probably wishful thinking, ;P

I did import the account in a fresh install (separate Chrome user) with no issues (although I didnt add any tokens).

NinjaTurtle007 commented 3 years ago

here is some more info

Do you think that we can have a fix like today? Things are hectic in defi right now and we need to be able to count on our wallets :)

brad-decker commented 3 years ago

I encourage everyone who is suffering from this to open a ticket in our support zendesk to send us your state logs securely. We do not have a reproducible test case to even narrow down the issue at the moment. Thank you for your patience and assistance in solving this.

afmsavage commented 3 years ago

I think I found out what is causing it. I added a new RPC endpoint to a Matic mainnet network (my Infura Matic endpoint as the RPC url) and that instantly caused the issue. Disabling and re-enabling the extension prompted for password, but would instantly pop this error. I then disabled and re-enabled the extension, and before entering my password I switched the network back to the Ethereum mainnet stock network. It then let me use MM just fine.

This may be caused by the extension not handling something that one of your added networks is doing.

EDIT: Actually this is happening for any Matic endpoint I try. Either my Infura one or any of the ones from the Matic docs.

EDIT2: This seems to only be happening with Matic endpoints, I am able to load Fantom, Avalanche, BSC, Optimism, and xDai networks fine without the crash/error.

NinjaTurtle007 commented 3 years ago

I think I found out what is causing it. I added a new RPC endpoint to a Matic mainnet network (my Infura Matic endpoint as the RPC url) and that instantly caused the issue. Disabling and re-enabling the extension prompted for password, but would instantly pop this error. I then disabled and re-enabled the extension, and before entering my password I switched the network back to the Ethereum mainnet stock network. It then let me use MM just fine.

This may be caused by the extension not handling something that one of your added networks is doing.

EDIT: Actually this is happening for any Matic endpoint I try. Either my Infura one or any of the ones from the Matic docs.

EDIT2: This seems to only be happening with Matic endpoints, I am able to load Fantom, Avalanche, BSC, Optimism, and xDai networks fine without the crash/error.

That is weird because for me it works when I've switched to Matic (using before loggin-in but crashes with that error when i switch to ethereum main net after that

I haven't modified the ethereum network settings (i think, but can't check now because it crashes when i switch to it)

Duayt commented 3 years ago


I've tried it all, basically, when I end up switching to bsc network the error pops up and I have to restart browser to change the network and log in.

I just arbitrarily solve my error issue on the BSC network. I not sure whether it was fixed from one of these two actions. You may try and hope it helps.

  1. I have change from "" to ""
  2. I use my mobile app trust wallet to send a tiny amount of BNB from another account to my main address in Metamask.

Suddenly no more error when selecting the BSC smart chain.

Noted that I have multiple public keys added to Metamask but only one of them had this error.

danjm commented 3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

We have uncovered the root of this error and have begun working on a fix. Before that fix is released there is a straightforward workaround you can follow.

  1. Open the MetaMask settings page in a full browser tab.

To do this, you need to first get your extension id.

If using chrome, go to chrome://extensions/. In the top right corner, turn on the "Developer Mode" toggle. You will now see an ID in the card describing your MetaMask Extension. Copy that ID. Now go to chrome-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: chrome-extension://cpfqernatlgbdefikpjfcppeodiihpip/home.html#settings).

If using firefox, go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox. Scroll to where you see metamask and copy the "Internal UUID". Then go to moz-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: moz-extension://7fc32017-6761-4b1f-a833-fc0b393b9b1a/home.html#settings

If you are not logged in, you will have to switch networks to one that is not breaking on your local install (e.g. Goerli), log in, and then go to the settings page.

  1. Once on the settings page, switch to the network and account for which metamask is not working.
  2. Now click the "Advanced" tab of settings
  3. Click "Reset Account" and then "Reset"

The account should now be usable again. The above process is shown in the video below

NinjaTurtle007 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Since the work around would reset my transactions, and i have quite few pending ones which i might need to bump the fees for, i would prefer to wait for the fix if that will be soon? Do you have idea if it will be pushed in matter of hours or days? Once the fix is pushed with an update would that also require resetting the account?

LogvinovLeon commented 3 years ago

@NinjaTurtle007 I had this problem also and I've fixed it by bumping the transactions from MEW/MyCrypto and setting the correct nonces. Hope that helps

danjm commented 3 years ago

There is another work around...

danjm commented 3 years ago

Basically there is some transaction data in your MetaMask that we are not handling correctly. However, such data is only maintained for the most recent 40 transactions across all networks. So if you switch to a test network and start sending transactions on the test network, at some point between sending 1-40 new testnet transactions, the data will be cleared, and you will be able to use the desired account again.

A guide on using the ropsten test network with MetaMask can be found here:

danjm commented 3 years ago

Do you have idea if it will be pushed in matter of hours or days?

We don't yet know whether the fix will be pushed today or Monday. (And even Monday is not a 100% guarantee... but we will go as fast as we can)

NinjaTurtle007 commented 3 years ago

@LogvinovLeon You imported your metamask seed into MyCrypto and manually resent every transaction with the same nonce but higher fee?

@danjm thanks for the alternative work around, but that would still leave me unable to bump the fees for the pending transactions, once i get control of the eth account. And I have like 15 pending ones, so metamask crashed in quite inappropriate moment :)

LogvinovLeon commented 3 years ago

@NinjaTurtle007 For me it was just 1 transaction

danjm commented 3 years ago

that would still leave me unable to bump the fees for the pending transactions, once i get control of the eth account.

@NinjaTurtle007 You should be able to bump the fees with the second workaround.

I show how in the below video. You'll notice that there are some send transactions in the ropsten network transaction list, and some pending transactions in the mainnet transaction list. I then switch to a local testnet and create and confirm 40 transactions.

Then when I go back to ropsten, the sent transactions that were previously there are gone (that data has been clear as I described before), but when I go to mainnet the pending transactions are still there, and I am able to speed them up. So your pending transactions won't be cleared via this approach.

ChristBKK commented 3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

We have uncovered the root of this error and have begun working on a fix. Before that fix is released there is a straightforward workaround you can follow.

  1. Open the MetaMask settings page in a full browser tab.

To do this, you need to first get your extension id.

If using chrome, go to chrome://extensions/. In the top right corner, turn on the "Developer Mode" toggle. You will now see an ID in the card describing your MetaMask Extension. Copy that ID. Now go to chrome-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: chrome-extension://cpfqernatlgbdefikpjfcppeodiihpip/home.html#settings).

If using firefox, go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox. Scroll to where you see metamask and copy the "Internal UUID". Then go to moz-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: moz-extension://7fc32017-6761-4b1f-a833-fc0b393b9b1a/home.html#settings

If you are not logged in, you will have to switch networks to one that is not breaking on your local install (e.g. Goerli), log in, and then go to the settings page.

  1. Once on the settings page, switch to the network and account for which metamask is not working.
  2. Now click the "Advanced" tab of settings
  3. Click "Reset Account" and then "Reset"

The account should now be usable again. The above process is shown in the video below


confirm this fixed it. And thanks for your replies.

SimRunBot commented 3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

We have uncovered the root of this error and have begun working on a fix. Before that fix is released there is a straightforward workaround you can follow.

1. Open the MetaMask settings page in a full browser tab.

To do this, you need to first get your extension id.

If using chrome, go to chrome://extensions/. In the top right corner, turn on the "Developer Mode" toggle. You will now see an ID in the card describing your MetaMask Extension. Copy that ID. Now go to chrome-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: chrome-extension://cpfqernatlgbdefikpjfcppeodiihpip/home.html#settings).

If using firefox, go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox. Scroll to where you see metamask and copy the "Internal UUID". Then go to moz-extension://YOUR_ID_HERE/home.html#settings (example: moz-extension://7fc32017-6761-4b1f-a833-fc0b393b9b1a/home.html#settings

If you are not logged in, you will have to switch networks to one that is not breaking on your local install (e.g. Goerli), log in, and then go to the settings page.

1. Once on the settings page, switch to the network and account for which metamask is not working.

2. Now click the "Advanced" tab of settings

3. Click "Reset Account" and then "Reset"

The account should now be usable again. The above process is shown in the video below Peek.2021-05-14.05-25.mp4

worked in Firefox on windows, thank you.

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

On Ubuntu Linux box, the "settings" do not open. Screenshot from 2021-05-14 03-07-29

danjm commented 3 years ago

Thanks @zaqhack. I look into this.

Also, could you just check something: put the url with the #settings in the bar, then click with your cursor into the bar and then press "Enter", just to ensure the url change is register by the browser.

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

It must be some kind of permission issue - it doesn't seem to open at all. It's as if nothing has changed when I put that in there no matter how I do it. I've tried cut-and-paste, typing, mouse-click/enter ... no reaction from it at any point. Same initial error logging in.

danjm commented 3 years ago

Okay, something else is going on and it is possible that this work around won't work given the current state of data in your MetaMask. I will reply here if/when I discover anything that can be of further help.

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

image Well, in about $30, my short is going to liquidate. So ... this was an expensive one.

And I honestly don't blame you guys. I was the one that made a new trading account today and thought, "I don't have to back that up just this second." But here we are. So, I can recover my accounts ... that are not this one that I attached to BSC.

I run on a dedicated Linux laptop. I only run it when it when I make trades. I've got keys backed up with my son in a different state on a USB drive. But ... not this time. Not this account. You know, "Just the one time."

Computer karma is just uncanny, sometimes.

danjm commented 3 years ago

@zaqhack Something else to try:

Go to, click "Connect", then when the connect notification opens, deselect the account that is selected by default and instead create a New account. Then click "Next" and then "Connect". Then see if metamask succesfully opens.

This process is shown in the below video:

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

It doesn't seem to help. Is there a way to get it to "forget" the test dapp? It popped up the account screen once, but now is stuck again at the exact same error. I can't seem to do the procedure again.

danjm commented 3 years ago

Something else you can try in the test dapp:

  1. Click the "Send" button in the test dapp. But dont click anything in the notification window that appears, and don't close the window.
  2. Click the "XDAI" button at the very bottom of the test dapp. But dont click anything in the notification window that appears, and don't close the window.
  3. Click somewhere in the browser so that the notification window loses focus and goes to the background.
  4. Open the MetaMask extension by clicking the fox in the browser bar.
  5. Reject the send transaction
  6. Accept the addition of the network and the switching of your account to that network.

(No promises, but this did work a couple times when I was recreating and then trying to get out of error states.)

Video below:

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

No love. Man, seeing it put up other screens is honestly even more frustrating. No amount of messing with them gets me to anything I want to see. lol

zaqhack commented 3 years ago

Hmmm ... after poking at this for a bit longer, I think I have the keys for the offending account backed up. The account I don't have backed up/exported is a different one if I'm judging by what account it thinks I'm using in the test dapp. Is there a way for me to remove the offending account from this installation?