As part of the Engineering Technical sync the following question was asked:
Is there a way to detect if someone is adding an e2e test that isn't using POM and should be?
This issue is a place holder for us to think about and discuss possibilities here.
No response
Potential approaches:
QA should write possible reusable functions to make them easily adaptable by developers.
When performing code reviews, check that the POM design pattern has been followed and implemented and this could be included in the review checklist.
Encourage peer programming sessions for individuals who have not followed or need help following the pattern.
Promote team wise training sessions and walkthroughs with clear expectations for writing test scenarios.
Implement linting rules to enforce coding standards, with custom rules to detect deviations from the POM pattern, and integrate these as CI checks to flag tests that do not follow the POM pattern.
Technical Details
No response
Threat Modeling Framework
No response
Acceptance Criteria
No response
Stakeholder review needed before the work gets merged
[X] Engineering (needed in most cases)
[ ] Design
[ ] Product
[ ] QA (automation tests are required to pass before merging PRs but not all changes are covered by automation tests - please review if QA is needed beyond automation tests)
What is this about?
As part of the Engineering Technical sync the following question was asked: Is there a way to detect if someone is adding an e2e test that isn't using POM and should be?
This issue is a place holder for us to think about and discuss possibilities here.
No response
Potential approaches:
Technical Details
No response
Threat Modeling Framework
No response
Acceptance Criteria
No response
Stakeholder review needed before the work gets merged
No response