MetaMask / metamask-extension

:globe_with_meridians: :electric_plug: The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
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Meta Mask Hacked? #3132

Closed tarseb90 closed 6 years ago

tarseb90 commented 6 years ago

Hello Metamask , i think that there is a security gap in your extension , someone stolen my money , he stole the 2 addresses registred in metamask , Despite the fact that I never saved my password anywhere ,i used the Metamask only , I saw that another account had taken all of the Ethereum out of my wallet and transferred it to his.

the transactions addresses is below :

and this is the address that stoled my money πŸ‘

tmashuang commented 6 years ago

Without any additional information provided on a public thread, such as transaction logs or knowledge of phishing sites that may or may not have been visited, we are not able the pinpoint the cause of the issue. If you have any additional sensitive information please send it to support at metamask dot io

iamjaime commented 6 years ago

I'm encountering the same exact issue! My account was completely emptied out! I got robbed for almost 1ETH.

It's happening ONLY to the non-loose accounts on meta mask!

tmashuang commented 6 years ago

@iamjaime Does this scenario seem to depict your issue

leekt commented 6 years ago

I'm encountering same issue too. I've sent 48 ether to my wallet and someone sent 4.xx ether to another wallet and spent 43.xx ether as txfee and it was first use this time but transaction history says it has been used since 133days ago

0x627306090abaB3A6e1400e9345bC60c78a8BEf57 this is my wallet address

tmashuang commented 6 years ago

@leekt216 seems that is a Ganache address that is used for testing purposes. Which is the default seed phrase for Ganache and is available for everyone that has installed it. Around half way down, there is a warning when sending ETH to any addresses that are generated by this default seed phrase on the Main Ethereum Network.

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, did you succeed to recover any tokens from your Metamask? It happened to me the same. First in the morning l realised l don’t have any Neurochain token that l have just bought, then within an hour after l opened my Metamask, the rest all disappeared, 0 balance. I am writing emails to support, l did whatever they suggested to me but nothing helped. I think they hacked me!

tarseb90 commented 6 years ago

i will never use Metamask for ever , and i will make a video in my youtube channel with 132k followers and beware them . Metamask not secure anymore . You have to resolve this big problem and compensate our money .

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your support, but how can l compensate my money? If l can help or add anything to your tube, l am here willing to say something.Β 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Friday, April 6, 2018, 8:58 pm, tarseb90 wrote:

i will never use Metamask for ever , and i will make a video in my youtube channel with 132k followers and beware them . Metamask not secure anymore . You have to resolve this big problem and compensate our money .

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leonlee723 commented 6 years ago

Me too. I trun in eth Metamask. At once these eth were truned out to 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A. All records of 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A on etherscan is in. 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A is thife.

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply. It happened that All my coins are back to my I sent so many emails to them and it seems they are helping and solving problems. They were testing Beta...They replied very fast after my emails...l lost about 28$ at the end.I hope you will be able to get them back too. Good luck.Maria

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 5:12 pm, leonlee723 wrote:

Me too. I trun in eth Metamask. At once these eth were truned out to 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A. All records of 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A on etherscan is in. 0x2d7311279A3ba818Db2aD84eED09324A2577188A is thife.

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tarseb90 commented 6 years ago

can you give me the email that you used ?

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Sure.Support@metamask.ioWith attn to James. They were very supportive. I am not angry with them anymore, hi!Good luck.M.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 7:15 pm, tarseb90 wrote:

can you give me the email that you used ?

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alacrity26 commented 6 years ago

@Mijako mind sharing your ticket number on ?

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Maybe it’s that one, not sure, l sent hips of emails..12265.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 12:36 am, Adam wrote:

@Mijako mind sharing your ticket number on ?

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alacrity26 commented 6 years ago

@Mijako Thanks. From ticket number 12265, it seems like you were able to restore your MetaMask wallet, after (unintentionally I assume) creating a new wallet, and found your original accounts unseen. Glad you were able to restore successfully. For future/user issues, you could send your queries to again, (though I hope you'll not face any issues in your MetaMask transactions anymore). Thanks again to help clarifying!

Mijako commented 6 years ago

Not at all. I am quite new, reading from other people being this is the first thing you think when you open your acc.and there is 0 balance. I didn’t do anything at all, just register into my Metamask and saw empty acc. Today l registered and realised there is again one token missing, but from this experience l think it will not be difficult to bring it back. I hope so. Just don’t understand why it is keep happening you add a new token and the amount of tokens, but when you register again, they disappeare. Am l doing something wrong?Thank you.Kind regards,Marija

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 1:19 pm, Adam wrote:

@Mijako Thanks. From ticket number 12265, it seems like you were able to restore your MetaMask wallet, after (unintentionally I assume) creating a new wallet, and found your original accounts unseen. Glad you were able to restore successfully. For future/user issues, you could send your queries to again, (though I hope you'll not face any issues in your MetaMask transactions anymore). Thanks again to help clarifying!

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ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

I have had the Same thing Happen.. It even says Phishing address on the on the OUT address..

What can I do?

Mijako commented 6 years ago

I sent to Metamask few day everything was bach.Good luck.Marija

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Monday, May 7, 2018, 3:46 am, ProZack39 wrote:

I have had the Same thing Happen.. It even says Phishing address on the on the OUT address..

What can I do?

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ProZack39 commented 6 years ago


Mijako commented 6 years ago

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Monday, May 7, 2018, 3:28 pm, ProZack39 wrote:


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Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

my metamask wallet was hacked also! I sent ethereum from to my metamask wallet but only received a small portion of my withdrawal so I checked the etherscan transaction and noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet. I contacted metamask about this matter and they are not taking responsibility for my fund's being stolen! stating that I must have visited a phished site, or I have malware installed on my PC which both are not true! I will not use metamask anymore until this matter is resolved and will continue to inform metamask & ethereum user's that metamask is not safe and obviously have a serious bug in they're security feature that they refuse to be held accountable for.

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

It's a Freaking shame. I also tried to email them to get them to lock my account when I first noticed it happening. They wouldn't or couldn't.

On May 22, 2018 11:15 AM, "Blackstuntman" wrote:

my metamask wallet was hacked also! I sent ethereum from to my metamask wallet but only received a small portion of my withdrawal so I checked the etherscan transaction and noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet. I contacted metamask about this matter and they are not taking responsibility for my fund's being stolen! stating that I must have visited a phished site, or I have malware installed on my PC which both are not true! I will not use metamask anymore until this matter is resolved and will continue to inform metamask & ethereum user's that metamask is not safe and obviously have a serious bug in they're security feature that they refuse to be held accountable for.

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kumavis commented 6 years ago

@blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

kumavis commented 6 years ago


get them to lock my account

We do not control anyone's account and are unable to do this. This lack of centralized control is what draws a lot of people to cryptocurrency. However the responsibility of security and understanding comes with that, and it's a lot to take on. If you'd like someone to manage your private keys for you, I recommend a bank-like enetity such as coinbase.

Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

What do you mean not enough evidence? Just simply check my etherscan activity! It clearly shows my withdrawal from was successful sent to my metamask wallet address via blockchain, it also shows seconds after it arrived over $200.00 of the over $300.00 initial withdrawal was sent to another wallet before it ever reached my metamask wallet. Upon further investigation you can also see that the stolen fund's were sent to another ethereum address with over 1,000,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's! Metamask needs to reimburse me for my lost fund's and take full responsibility for this security breache because it's not my fault!

On May 22, 2018 11:35 AM, "kumavis" wrote:

@Blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

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Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

0xf7c8c83e06645708da2873aa01e2b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e 5637208 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a OUT 0x090b0ca0b824b1bc7e67df944fc9c63989e92ba0 0 .337026 Ether 0.0097881 0xe1553296e99490d9f675f61c17a5db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb 5637204 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x97e12bd75bdee72d4975d6df410d2d145b3d8457 IN 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a 0.53321221 Ether 0.00063

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:46 AM, hassan perry wrote:

What do you mean not enough evidence? Just simply check my etherscan activity! It clearly shows my withdrawal from was successful sent to my metamask wallet address via blockchain, it also shows seconds after it arrived over $200.00 of the over $300.00 initial withdrawal was sent to another wallet before it ever reached my metamask wallet. Upon further investigation you can also that the stolen fund's were sent to another ethereum address with over 1,000,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's! Metamask needs to reimburse me for my lost fund's and take full responsibility for this security breache because it's not my fault!

On May 22, 2018 11:35 AM, "kumavis" wrote:

@Blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

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ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Well that's the thing!!!! The guy that stole my $$$ doesn't have my private key!

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 11:59 AM Blackstuntman wrote:

0xf7c8c83e06645708da2873aa01e2b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e <

5637208 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a OUT 0x090b0ca0b824b1bc7e67df944fc9c63989e92ba0 0 .337026 Ether 0.0097881 0xe1553296e99490d9f675f61c17a5db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb <

5637204 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x97e12bd75bdee72d4975d6df410d2d145b3d8457 IN 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a 0.53321221 Ether 0.00063

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:46 AM, hassan perry wrote:

What do you mean not enough evidence? Just simply check my etherscan activity! It clearly shows my withdrawal from was successful sent to my metamask wallet address via blockchain, it also shows seconds after it arrived over $200.00 of the over $300.00 initial withdrawal was sent to another wallet before it ever reached my metamask wallet. Upon further investigation you can also that the stolen fund's were sent to another ethereum address with over 1,000,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's! Metamask needs to reimburse me for my lost fund's and take full responsibility for this security breache because it's not my fault!

On May 22, 2018 11:35 AM, "kumavis" wrote:

@Blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

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β€” You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

And the Thief's are now removing fund's from that account because now it only shows a little over 80,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's where as two days ago it was over 1,000,000.00!

Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago


On May 22, 2018 12:02 PM, "ProZack39" wrote:

Well that's the thing!!!! The guy that stole my $$$ doesn't have my private key!

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 11:59 AM Blackstuntman wrote:

0xf7c8c83e06645708da2873aa01e2b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e < b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e

5637208 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a OUT 0x090b0ca0b824b1bc7e67df944fc9c63989e92ba0 <

0 .337026 Ether 0.0097881 0xe1553296e99490d9f675f61c17a5db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb < db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb

5637204 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x97e12bd75bdee72d4975d6df410d2d145b3d8457 <

IN 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a 0.53321221 Ether 0.00063

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:46 AM, hassan perry wrote:

What do you mean not enough evidence? Just simply check my etherscan activity! It clearly shows my withdrawal from was successful sent to my metamask wallet address via blockchain, it also shows seconds after it arrived over $200.00 of the over $300.00 initial withdrawal was sent to another wallet before it ever reached my metamask wallet. Upon further investigation you can also that the stolen fund's were sent to another ethereum address with over 1,000,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's! Metamask needs to reimburse me for my lost fund's and take full responsibility for this security breache because it's not my fault!

On May 22, 2018 11:35 AM, "kumavis" wrote:

@Blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

β€” You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub < 3132#issuecomment-391057303 , or mute the thread < 9ccaQ0Xmfej3ks5t1D5EgaJpZM4RxmYc


β€” You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub 3132#issuecomment-391065281, or mute the thread 980uKFWjRFGDTpytl9oDGRzkks5t1EPrgaJpZM4RxmYc .

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ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

I really think Metamask has some involvement. They continue to let this Happen. SMDH

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 12:14 PM Blackstuntman wrote:


On May 22, 2018 12:02 PM, "ProZack39" wrote:

Well that's the thing!!!! The guy that stole my $$$ doesn't have my private key!

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 11:59 AM Blackstuntman wrote:

0xf7c8c83e06645708da2873aa01e2b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e < b5b55a613ca52f13b318800fb1de867e6c7e

5637208 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a OUT 0x090b0ca0b824b1bc7e67df944fc9c63989e92ba0 <

0 .337026 Ether 0.0097881 0xe1553296e99490d9f675f61c17a5db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb < db359ccbc6ca397368bfdb09a00319775cfb

5637204 3 days 18 hrs ago 0x97e12bd75bdee72d4975d6df410d2d145b3d8457 <

IN 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a 0.53321221 Ether 0.00063

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:46 AM, hassan perry <> wrote:

What do you mean not enough evidence? Just simply check my etherscan activity! It clearly shows my withdrawal from was successful sent to my metamask wallet address via blockchain, it also shows seconds after it arrived over $200.00 of the over $300.00 initial withdrawal was sent to another wallet before it ever reached my metamask wallet. Upon further investigation you can also that the stolen fund's were sent to another ethereum address with over 1,000,000.00 dollars in ethereum asset's! Metamask needs to reimburse me for my lost fund's and take full responsibility for this security breache because it's not my fault!

On May 22, 2018 11:35 AM, "kumavis" wrote:

@Blackstuntman this is not enough information to determine what happened but when you say

noticed that over two hundred dollars $200.00 of my withdrawal had been sent to another ethereum address before it ever reached my metamask wallet.

This suggests that it's not an issue with metamask, as metamask cannot interfere with sent funds before their arrival.

If you want further diagnosis you'll need to provide more information about your accounts, which is for the exchange and which is from metamask. I recommend you do that privately via the support email thread you started.

Malware and phishing targeting cryptocurrency users are extremely common these days, we've seen many users with cases that were infected and did not realize it. While I'm not sure that's your case (they likely would have taken everything), you should take care to properly identify the source of the anomolous transaction to ensure you are safe.

β€” You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub < 3132#issuecomment-391057303 , or mute the thread < 9ccaQ0Xmfej3ks5t1D5EgaJpZM4RxmYc


β€” You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub 3132#issuecomment-391065281, or mute the thread 980uKFWjRFGDTpytl9oDGRzkks5t1EPrgaJpZM4RxmYc .

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tmashuang commented 6 years ago

Does this sound appropriate?

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Mine was nothing like this.. It just had me sending all my assets to a Account that was Labeled PHISHING!! Really!!! You cant di ANYTHING BUT WATCH THESE PEOPLE STEAL FROM THIER CUSTOMERS

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 12:19 PM Thomas Huang wrote:

Does this sound appropriate?

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Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

No this isn't the situation at all. because I've never sent anything to that address before. It's completely a mystery! And by the looks of that account it's has been stealing ethereum and ethereum assets for quite some time. And is now in the process of funneling those assets God knows where!

On May 22, 2018 12:19 PM, "Thomas Huang" wrote:

Does this sound appropriate? ghost-accounts-ether-sending-away-whenever-funding-an-account

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kumavis commented 6 years ago

I really think Metamask has some involvement. They continue to let this Happen.

we don't have any control of user accounts or the blockchain


@ProZack39 we dont have any customers, we are an open source wallet if you don't want to use metamask some other options are parity, mycrypto, myetherwallet,, cipher, toshi

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Yea I know.. I'm currently in the Process of Moving everything! Which is a Pain in the Butt!!!!

Horrible Experience with Metamask! If yall cant do any better you should SHUT DOWN! Don't keep promoting something that will Hurt People in the Long Run

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:07 PM kumavis wrote:


@ProZack39 we dont have any customers, we are an open source wallet if you don't want to use metamask some other options are parity, mycrypto, myetherwallet,, cipher, toshi

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kumavis commented 6 years ago


Just simply check my etherscan activity!

its difficult to review etherscan without knowing what what addresses are what

is 0x0f85ffa9c291a2b4ee5f0647725c7c41e5d6981a your metamask address? or a different ethereum address you own?

Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

@ProZack39 how do I move tokens from Dex without going through metamask?

kumavis commented 6 years ago

@ProZack39 did you submit your metamask state logs to the support email? helps investigate what happened

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

You can use a Ledger.. I went ahead and spent the $$$ it's the Only real way to Own your coins.

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:15 PM Blackstuntman wrote:

@ProZack39 how do I move tokens from Dex without going through metamask?

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Blackstuntman commented 6 years ago

@kumavis yes that's my metamask wallet address. Just follow the most recent transactions from a couple of days ago, because I haven't used metamask since because I'm too afraid to, and you will see exactly what happened.

kumavis commented 6 years ago

how do I move tokens from Dex without going through metamask?

@Blackstuntman likely the best way is to import your seed phrase into another ethereum browser like mist,, parity

kumavis commented 6 years ago

@Blackstuntman did you provide your metamask state logs to the support email thread?

kumavis commented 6 years ago

@Blackstuntman having the state logs might help verify, but it looks like you might have approved the tx (the ~$200) earlier but it could not execute because you did not have enough ether. After receiving ether here, the tx was able to execute and went through.

That unexpected behavior is discribed here

the empty account + sweep on retrieval seen here is typical of a centralized exchange deposit flow. do you remember sending eth to an exchange recently?

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Is there an explanation for Mine?


On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:31 PM kumavis wrote:

@Blackstuntman having the state logs might help verify, but it looks like you might have approved the tx (the ~$200) earlier but it could not execute because you did not have enough ether. After receiving ether here, the tx was able to execute and went through.

That unexpected behavior is discribed here

the empty account + sweep on retrieval seen here is typical of a centralized exchange deposit flow. do you remember sending eth to an exchange recently?

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kumavis commented 6 years ago

State logs can be downloaded from the settings menu with the "Download State Logs" button


Be sure to email them to support and not post them in a public place like this github thread

kumavis commented 6 years ago

@ProZack39 its really hard to follow your situation in this thread of lots of users. Please send your state logs to

tell me your email so i can find your support thread

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

I already have.. its not a mystery. The Address that my funds went too literally Says "PHISHING" ON IT.

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:37 PM kumavis wrote:

@ProZack39 its really hard to follow your situation in this thread of lots of users. Please send your state logs to

tell me your email so i can find your support thread

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kumavis commented 6 years ago

@ProZack39 does this "free airdrop" advertisement look familiar?

ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Unless you think there may be a Ending where I get my funds back I'd rather not waist more time on it

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:40 PM Zack Sanderson wrote:

I already have.. its not a mystery. The Address that my funds went too literally Says "PHISHING" ON IT.

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:37 PM kumavis wrote:

@ProZack39 its really hard to follow your situation in this thread of lots of users. Please send your state logs to

tell me your email so i can find your support thread

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ProZack39 commented 6 years ago

Yea I clicked on an Airdrop link. But that still doesn't explain how they steal my$$ without my Private key.

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:42 PM Zack Sanderson wrote:

Unless you think there may be a Ending where I get my funds back I'd rather not waist more time on it

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:40 PM Zack Sanderson wrote:

I already have.. its not a mystery. The Address that my funds went too literally Says "PHISHING" ON IT.

On Tue, May 22, 2018, 1:37 PM kumavis wrote:

@ProZack39 its really hard to follow your situation in this thread of lots of users. Please send your state logs to

tell me your email so i can find your support thread

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