MetaMask / metamask-extension

:globe_with_meridians: :electric_plug: The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
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Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985) #9510

Closed thepaypay closed 2 years ago

thepaypay commented 3 years ago

I deployed a contract/collection through Rarible but when i try to mint the NFT i get this error.

Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

I have tried updating firmware, app, enabling contracts and reinstalling Metamask. Worth noting everything else works (uniswap,compound,yearn) but not minting these NFT's. I have tried using my own contract and the default Rariable contract but i get the same error. Weird part is I minted one 2 days ago and it worked. Obviously i have googled the error code but the only suggestions are things i have already tried; update firmware, update app, change usb port/cord, change browser ect. Not sure what else i can do or if my ledger nano S is somehow faulty? Any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone has any ideas. Thank you in advance!

Screenshots Screenshot (171)_LI

Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

maciejka commented 3 years ago

@thepaypay did you manage to solve the problem?

thepaypay commented 3 years ago

No i did not. Granted i kinda gave up and haven't tried in a couple days. I ordered a new nano ledger s that i will try later tonight. I will let you know if that solves the problem.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 2:24 PM Maciej Kamiński wrote:

@thepaypay did you manage to solve the problem?

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thepaypay commented 3 years ago

So update on the brand new ledger nano s. Still not working giving me the same error message. No idea what to do next, maybe i'm just not meant to make NFT's? New one works with everything but Rarible. Tried it with my own collection/contract and the default rarible contract.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 5:37 PM LuketheDuke wrote:

No i did not. Granted i kinda gave up and haven't tried in a couple days. I ordered a new nano ledger s that i will try later tonight. I will let you know if that solves the problem.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 2:24 PM Maciej Kamiński wrote:

@thepaypay did you manage to solve the problem?

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maciejka commented 3 years ago

@thepaypay It seems that the problem is that library that metamask uses to communicate with ledger is outdated. You should ping mm.

jacobc-eth commented 3 years ago

This is actually an issue with how Windows 10 handles u2f security. We're working on a new solution together with the Ledger team that will replace their current implementation and provide a long term stable resolution.

jacobc-eth commented 3 years ago

related to #8120

jacobc-eth commented 3 years ago

This issue will be resolved by #9826

thepaypay commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your response. I didnt see many people having this problem so i appreciate the support! I shal test it out later tonight.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2020, 4:47 PM Jacob Cantele wrote:

This is actually an issue with how Windows 10 handles u2f security. We're working on a new solution together with the Ledger team that will replace their current implementation and provide a long term stable resolution.

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StableFishLabs commented 3 years ago

This is not just an issue with windows getting the same error message on Mac, linux and windows

Unable to complete transaction: Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

alexandernacho commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue on Mac when interacting with the Ocean marketplace

CryptoPassionF commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue with defi swap Error: Transport Status Error: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

Not able to withdraw important amount of crypto due to that. Please put some urgency on that issue....

danfinlay commented 3 years ago

According to Ledger, this error was fixed in a newer version of their bridge library. We are currently moving our Ledger support to use the Ledger Live app as a bridge, which should solve this issue.

StableFishLabs commented 3 years ago

According to Ledger, this error was fixed in a newer version of their bridge library. We are currently moving our Ledger support to use the Ledger Live app as a bridge, which should solve this issue.

Do you have an ETA on when this will be fixed?

sebastianzolg commented 3 years ago

I do have the same issue with MEW, and I'm willing to switch to MetaMask. Is there any news on the ETA? Thanks.

BlankerL commented 3 years ago

Same error when interacting with OpenSea. Glad I have a Trezor as backup device, which successfully signed the transaction on OpenSea...

StableFishLabs commented 3 years ago

Do we have an update on this?

roxdanila commented 3 years ago

@danfinlay friendly ping - do you have an ETA on this release? One of the core Nexus Mutual flows is also impacted, and we have to plan accordingly. Thanks!

Alexintosh commented 3 years ago

This a real issue for me as well. Was not able to interact with Aragon apps since a while. I'm on Mac os x.

johnnieskywalker commented 3 years ago

have the same problem on Ubuntu with Metamask and Ledger on 1inch exchange I click accept however transaction is rejected given an error;

Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

3cl1ps commented 3 years ago

having this issue on ubuntu, metamask and nanox. trying to interract with rencrv contract.

Gudahtt commented 3 years ago

Is anybody still experiencing this issue? We updated to v5.22.0 of the Ledger library on Jan. 21st, which likely solved this problem. This bug was in fact unrelated to U2F entirely.

darkwing commented 3 years ago

@3cl1ps @thepaypay @maciejka @Alexintosh @johnnieskywalker We've upgraded our library to 5.43 as of yesterday -- are you still experiencing this issue?

BrillerJong commented 3 years ago

Hello i got the same problem on the avalanche c-chain. With this video I fixed the problem:

0xpicklerickle commented 3 years ago

I just encountered the same issue using it on avalanche's c-chain. However, it's specific to making a swap tx of more than 10AVAX on any of the exchanges (pangolin, zero). Anything less would not trigger the error. I can send and interact with other contracts without a problem at the moment. Could it be the contract data size?

jacobc-eth commented 3 years ago

It looks like this issue was resolved for the vast majority of chains, but persists on Avalanche. There may be some chain specific issues with Avalanche and Ledger compatibility on the Ledger side. We've reached out to the Ledger team for feedback.

dmjeremy commented 3 years ago

Hello, Since few days now i'm having this same described error but with AAVE on Polygon. the issue appears only when i want to claim the farmed Matic, Otherewise everything else is working correctly on the AAVE plateform.

Can you advise me what do i need to do to get this issue fixed ?

I'm using Ledger Nano S and i'm with Mac

derasd commented 3 years ago

Same here with claiming matic on aave polygon.

planc765 commented 3 years ago

Also unable to claim Matic on Aave/Polygon using Chrome - bit more info:

Please can this get looked at as a priority as we don't seem to have a workaround at the moment?

derasd commented 3 years ago

Interestingly, increasing the gas price to 5 GWEI workes for me.

planc765 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! that worked for me too

billiegoose commented 3 years ago

Mmmm I'm running into this error on after updating my Ledger Nano S to the newest firmware 2.0. :/ I'll try downgrading the firmware if I can figure out how.

Edit: Apparently downgrading the firmware is not supported. 🙄 Well that's. Interesting. Here's hoping it's not broken on other sites 🤞🏻 Edit 2: It's not all sites. worked just fine. 🤷🏻‍♂️

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

Hey Guys,

I am stuck with my Checkpoint Arrived stage, where my USDC is burnt and now ready to move onto Ethereum (Into my Ledger Nano X via my Metasmask). I click on Continue and follow all the "Approve buttons" clicking on my Ledger till the "Approve transaction, accept and send" I click that on my ledger, But this is the error that pops up on Metamask, as you guys said Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985). Up until last it was working like butter. But today i updated my Ethereum app on my Ledger to Version 1.7.4 and now it just wont work.

What do i do ? Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thank You


ebonhawk335 commented 3 years ago


Je suis bloqué a l'étape Checkpoint Arrived sur le Bridge Matic , j'ai mes jeton xSDT qui sont gravé et prêt à passer à Ethereum avec ma Ledger Nano X via Metasmask Je clique sur Continuer et je valide à plusieurs reprise la transaction , jusqu'à 50x mais il ne me propose jamais de send du coup je peut continuer indéfiniment comme ca et rien ne se passe. Voici le txn de la transaction 0x75fb65e65f7e692e3df5ca80ab0fdf27973fd0d630c91e86427a379d7aedda3b Est il possible de revenir en arrière?

Pouvez vous m'aider SVP

ebonhawk335 commented 3 years ago

J'ai trouvé la solution il faut aller dans setting debug data sur la ledger nano x et mettre NOT Displayed et sa fonctionne

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

i tried that and it still did not work. My USDC is stuck and will not withdraw. Same issue Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Condition of use not satisfied (denied by the user?) (0x6985)

Anyone else who can help ?

J'ai trouvé la solution il faut aller dans setting debug data sur la ledger nano x et mettre NOT Displayed et sa fonctionne

Bropps commented 3 years ago

I have the same error message when trying to create a Maker vault, please help.

this-username-is-taken commented 3 years ago

Same issue here when withdrawing from Matic Bridge

Zerocoooler commented 3 years ago

same issue 12 hours ago from Matic Bridge

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

So what do we do guys to solve this problem ? I have emailed Ledger and Metamask Support and still waiting on a solution

Zerocoooler commented 3 years ago

version 1.7.7 just released and DID NOT solve the issue nor the 1.3.0 FW

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

Yes, i updated to 1.7.7 ETH App as well, and still does not solve the problem. I am so frustrated. Are you using a windows 10 pc ?

Zerocoooler commented 3 years ago

correct W10

darkwing commented 3 years ago

There's nothing we can do to prevent U2F issues with Ledger devices, but there's good news! MetaMask 9.6.0 will provide an experimental new Ledger Live bridge, which you will be able to toggle via Advanced settings.

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

When does that Metamask 9.6.0 Update come out Darkwing ?

There's nothing we can do to prevent U2F issues with Ledger devices, but there's good news! MetaMask 9.6.0 will provide an experimental new Ledger Live bridge, which you will be able to toggle via Advanced settings.

this-username-is-taken commented 3 years ago

I'm having this issue on a Mac so definitely not a Windows problem. I've been thinking about initializing a non-Ledger wallet using the Ledger mnemonic, make the transaction, and migrate to a new wallet. Probably will do that as a last resort

Deepcryptodive commented 3 years ago

Interestingly, increasing the gas price to 5 GWEI workes for me.

This is the only thing that worked for me! Was already afraid I somehow bricked my Ledger.

Please look into this Metamask team!

this-username-is-taken commented 3 years ago

Increasing (or decreasing) the gas price did not work for me.

But I did discover something that might be useful:



This is the data shown on my ledger when confirming a Matic bridge withdrawal transaction of AAVE token. Both the token and the amount are incorrect. I suspect the data that's sent to Ledger is incorrect, hence causing the signature to be rejected.

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

On my ledger nano x all the details look accurate when I am trying to withdraw my USDC onto my ledger from the Matic Mainnet, except the Chain ID shows as 0 , and that could be the problem. Very frustrating

this-username-is-taken commented 3 years ago

Good point, I see that too and the Ethereum mainnet chain ID should be 1 instead of 0.

kennyd28 commented 3 years ago

Good point, I see that too and the Ethereum mainnet chain ID should be 1 instead of 0.

Exactly. It should NOT bbe 0. When i withdraw ETH from the Matic Bridge to my Ledger Wallet, the right Chain ID shows and it goes through smoothly. But with USDC, it shows the wrong Chain ID and wont go through.