MetaMask / metamask-mobile

Mobile web browser providing access to websites that use the Ethereum blockchain
2.03k stars 1.06k forks source link

Error: Missing or invalid. respond() response: {"id":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":1,"message":"I... #10104

Open sentry-io[bot] opened 3 days ago

sentry-io[bot] commented 3 days ago

Sentry Issue: METAMASK-MOBILE-2G86

Error: Missing or invalid. respond() response: {"id":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":1,"message":"Invalid chainId"}}
  at <unknown> (node_modules/@walletconnect/sign-client/dist/index.cjs.js:1:40246)
  at asyncGeneratorStep (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:20)
  at _next (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:22:9)
  at tryCallOne (node_modules/promise/setimmediate/core.js:37:12)
  at setImmediate$argument_0 (node_modules/promise/setimmediate/core.js:123:15)
(8 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
boxi79 commented 3 days ago

Get the same problems when I try to signTypedMessage with MetaMask in Safari (redirecting to mobile's MetaMask App)

  1. Open my Dapp in Safari
  2. Connect Wallet
  3. Redirect to MetaMask and Connect
  4. Back to my Dapp
  5. Try to sign typed message
  6. get Error with
       {"error":{"code":1, "message": "Invalid Id"}

I'm using @web3modal with ethers5 with MetaMask mobile version: 7.24.3

I also test previous version of MetaMask. There is no problem with 7.21.0