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chore: Create a story for AccountApproval component #10108

Closed devin-ai-integration[bot] closed 3 days ago

devin-ai-integration[bot] commented 3 days ago


This PR adds a Storybook story for the AccountApproval component. The story includes a default story with mocked data and a play function to simulate user interaction. The Redux store is mocked using the Provider decorator, and necessary data and functions are mocked to ensure the component renders correctly in isolation.

Related issues


Manual testing steps

  1. Go to the latest build of Storybook in this PR.
  2. Navigate to the AccountApproval component in the Components/ folder.



Pre-merge author checklist

Pre-merge reviewer checklist

This Devin run was requested by Devin:

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

CLA Signature Action:

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0 out of 1 committers have signed the CLA. :x: @devin-ai-integration[bot]

sonarcloud[bot] commented 3 days ago

Quality Gate Failed Quality Gate failed

Failed conditions
0.0% Coverage on New Code (required ≥ 40%)

See analysis details on SonarCloud