MetaMask / snaps

Extend the functionality of MetaMask using Snaps
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Simulator not accepting manifests with numbers in endowment:rpc.maxRequestTime #2507

Open zwilling opened 1 week ago

zwilling commented 1 week ago


While trying to verify an updated manifest in , the simulator rejects our permissions with the error message

At path: endowment:rpc.maxRequestTime -- Expected a value of type `never`, but received: `180000`

This seems wrong because the documentation suggests that this field accepts numbers:

To reproduce it, you can

  1. Open
  2. Configure the snap npm:@galactica-net/snap with version 0.7.3.
  3. Apply the config

It looks like the error was already reported for snaps-cli in and has been fixed in . The latest npm release of the snaps-simulator is older than the fix.

Could it be that the simulator just needs to be rebuild and redeployed with the updated dependencies?

Nick-1979 commented 1 week ago

I am experiencing a similar issue, when I include the following configuration in my Snap manifest:

"endowment:lifecycle-hooks": {
    "maxRequestTime": 18000

I encounter an error during the installation process: Error#95: Permissions for target "endowment: lifecycle-hooks" may not have caveats of type "maxRequestTime".

FrederikBolding commented 5 days ago

@zwilling The Simulator definitely needs to be updated, there is just a few breaking changes that need to land before then. Once is merged, we should be able to cut a new release of the simulator and fix this problem 👍