MetaboHUB-MetaToul-FluxoMet / RTMet

RTMet is a data workflow to process FIA-MS data coming from a bioreactor, find metabolites and fluxes, and send a feedback command to the system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Replace InfluxDB by an embedded per-run SQLite database #53

Open elliotfontaine opened 1 month ago

elliotfontaine commented 1 month ago


It has many advantages:


InfluxDB was chosen as a database for (intermediary) results for a few reasons:

Right now, the workflow use .csv tables for intermediary results when no bioinformatics format exist. So everything other than .mzML. These tables are then formatted for ingestion by the InfluxDB python API. The data on InfluxDB is not queried back by the workflow, which uses the .csv tables to pass down data bewteen tasks.

