Metabolomics-MPC / NTAnnotationWorkflow

An R script for the annotation of small-molecule LC-MS data
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Shiny app with loading the file in shiny #19

Closed chufz closed 2 years ago

chufz commented 2 years ago

the app.R can now be used either as Rscript app.R machedObject.rds or by choosing the file in the FileInput. If a file is given by commandline, the output file can be fast saved by clicking on Save verification. This should be nice if you have to perform fast on several objects.

If the file is added by the FileInput, it can be saved by the Select file location button, which is a DownloadHandler.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to only create one button that performs both on the same time depending were the input comes from, but I think it should be convenient enough.