Right now, the state of the Hires. fix checkbox is completely ignored when an image is acquired via the extension - it is neither "Enhanced" by NAI for an Anlas cost as it could be on their website nor run through a local model.
Since high resolutions aren't free on NAI and there are now competent local models with intact artist tags/virtually identical prompt syntax, it would only make sense to let the user make use of these models in conjunction with the extension, bypassing the need to switch to the img2img tab and manually upscale the images one by one, all while keeping the generations completely free (subscription aside).
It would probably also be a good idea to let the user choose whether NAI's positive/negative presets (which don't really exist as far as WebUI is concerned since they're handled by the extension and not by WebUI's own prompt subsystem) are passed to the local model or not. Another useful option would be a dropbox to control whether the WebUI's prompt presets are applied only to the base NAI gen, only to the local Hires. fix pass, or to both.
Right now, the state of the Hires. fix checkbox is completely ignored when an image is acquired via the extension - it is neither "Enhanced" by NAI for an Anlas cost as it could be on their website nor run through a local model.
Since high resolutions aren't free on NAI and there are now competent local models with intact artist tags/virtually identical prompt syntax, it would only make sense to let the user make use of these models in conjunction with the extension, bypassing the need to switch to the img2img tab and manually upscale the images one by one, all while keeping the generations completely free (subscription aside).
It would probably also be a good idea to let the user choose whether NAI's positive/negative presets (which don't really exist as far as WebUI is concerned since they're handled by the extension and not by WebUI's own prompt subsystem) are passed to the local model or not. Another useful option would be a dropbox to control whether the WebUI's prompt presets are applied only to the base NAI gen, only to the local Hires. fix pass, or to both.